Taken Down..
Taken Down..
Last edited by Gvexo; 10-09-2012 at 07:20 AM.
i shouldnt be posting this.
but looks good.
I question mental toughness.
No you shouldn't be posting that, luckily for you I JUST finished the build so it's fine, I have plans for Mental Toughness, this is what I will do.
I'll keep Mental Toughness at a low level so I'm able to take Wraith Form at level 12, this much is obvious, but at level 17 I'll be making some changes just before I take level 18, I will be switching Mental Toughness for Spell Focus: Enchantment, and because I'll be unable to use Wraith Form then I shall switch Wraith Form for Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, this will boost my selected spells and spells I inscribe later on as I'll be using many Enchantment spells to hold my target while I attack them with cold/shock spells, I can make them dance and just pop them one by one, I will no longer use Wraith Form after level 18, because I'll have Lich Form.
Edit: To be fair if you know how to use a palemaster properly you can completely dump Mental Toughness, afterall it doesn't exactly give you much SP, but taking it at low levels is a must due to it being a prereq for Wraith Form, I took it at level 9 because there is more important feats that should come before Mental Toughness, I wouldn't take it atall if it wasn't required for Wraith Form.
Last edited by Gvexo; 10-08-2012 at 09:23 PM.
If you don't want comments don't post in a public thread.please do not leave comments, thank you.
Lol well actually I do want comments, but I didn't want them until I finished my build, which is understandable, I just went afk for 5 minutes and forgot to change that, sorry..
Edit: I really don't know why I'm saying sorry when you have an attitude like that, I take my apology back.
Last edited by Gvexo; 10-08-2012 at 09:44 PM.
Must... not... comment...