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  1. #41
    Community Member esheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkDwarves View Post
    Can you add the drop locations for the items somewhere in the OP?
    Short answer, probably not.

    Most of the images state that they are reward options (also why there are so many "Epic" vs epic hard/epic elite variants).

    I suspect things weren't dropping properly, which explains why we only have epic normal loot for most of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    it will go on and on and on to level 999

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by esheep View Post
    Short answer, probably not.

    Most of the images state that they are reward options (also why there are so many "Epic" vs epic hard/epic elite variants).

    I suspect things weren't dropping properly, which explains why we only have epic normal loot for most of it.
    Things were dropping fine AFAIK. it's because noone is running them on EE that we haven't seen an EE version. We have ONE Epic hard item so someone has run them.

    All the EN version are mostly from End chain reward I think.

  3. #43
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrunkDwarves View Post
    Can you add the drop locations for the items somewhere in the OP?
    I´d be glad to do that, BUT i do not play on lamma-land, so someone would need to provide me the drop locations so i could edit the post. Later, if i have time i will do some search on forums and try to find it, but until them, i cant do anything, sorry

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  4. #44
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    The guy in my party pulled the khopesh in the castle quest, Rest Stop. I forget which chest specifically, maybe if I run it again it will jog my memory... I seem to remember it not being too far in to the quest though.

  5. #45
    Founder Fafnir's Avatar
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    Does anyone know if Cormyrian weapon hand ins now include options for the new crit suffixes?

  6. #46
    Community Member hingu_Doy's Avatar
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    Default Shillelagh and khopesh

    Seeing as the new khopesh is wooden, anyone tried using the spell shillelagh on it to convert its damage type to bludgeoning and see if it's affected by pulverizer?
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  7. #47
    Community Member Zess-wolf's Avatar
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    Thread updated with EE versions, remember it might change when going live,

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  8. #48
    Community Member esheep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zess-wolf View Post
    Thread updated with EE versions, remember it might change when going live,
    Any chance for images? I'd like to see the image for the EE tower shield to check a few specifics... nice work though!
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    it will go on and on and on to level 999

  9. #49
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    Default Drop Locations

    I can name a few:

    1. Roadwatch Bow- drops in the Gargoyle boss chest in Rest Stop.

    2. Nether Gloves - end chest in Detour.

    3. The *4 chaos weapon - Shadow Worg chest in End of the Road.

    All the ones I found so far (yes, I tend to get lousy drops).

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zess-wolf View Post


    -Ironwood Khopesh : +7 Enhanc (Base 1.5W), Greater Stone Prison (DC:33), Cosmic, Bonesplitter, [+1W]
    Not sure anyone will ever use this.

    -Forgotten Light : +7 Enhan. (Base 1.5W), Supreme Good, Devotion (+120), Radiance (+120), [+1W]
    It's a nice healer weapon imho, might find some use for someone.

    -Wizard's Ward : +7 Orb (+7 to saves & resistances), spell power +120, Spell Focus Mastery +2, Spell Penetration IX, Inherent Elemental Absorption - 10
    Inherent bonuses are nice, might be a swap for rare situations. Spell Focus mastery +2 is nice but the weapon is a swap slot. Not many will end up with this.

    Armors and Shields:

    -Shadowmail : +7 Enhanc. , Greater Twilight, Spell power (+120), Wizardry X, Greater Arcane Lore
    Greater Arcane Lore? Are we still at that? Why the ML25 hasn't Major arcane lore is a good question.

    -Whisperchain: +7 Enhanc., Blurry, Ghostly, Superior False Life, Exceptional Sneak Attack Bonus +5, Hightened Awareness 5
    Nice armor imho, some might find a place for it.

    -Bastion : +7 Tower Shield, Improved Bashing, Shield Bashing - 20%, DR 15/Piercing, Sheltering +12
    Another source of PRR, it's nice. Need details of the shield thou.


    -Nether Grasps : Gloves, Arcane Casting Dexterity, Open Lock +20, Diversion 20%, Seeker +10, Demonic Might
    Hm..not sure what to think about this. +2 STR is nice, +10 Seeker also but you can find it on a Red armor also. Probably noone will give up their eClaw/PDK gloves for this.

    -Treads of Falling Shadow: Boots, Striding +30%, Ghostly, Dexterity +8, Insightful Dexterity +3
    One item I like. Nice slot consolidation for dex.

    -Bracers of Twisting Shade : Bracers, Disable Device +20, Search +20, Exceptional Seeker +5, Blurry, Resistance +7
    Traps swap in. Nothing else.

  11. #51
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    No screenshots, but base stats don't change from EN to EE versions (base stats being their armor bonus and MDB before '+' values, unusual crit profiles, unusual damage dice and the like).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  12. #52
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    Some quick images for you from the current event.

    Last edited by Codect; 11-09-2012 at 07:05 PM.

  13. #53
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Wow on all of the EE versions.

    Those boots are smoking.

    I hope these EE items entice more people to run EE quests frequently.

    I mock anyone running Epic Casual in a group setting, and have become dete****l of EN and EH (outside of fate point grinding).
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  14. #54
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    Wow on all of the EE versions.

    Those boots are smoking.

    I hope these EE items entice more people to run EE quests frequently.

    I mock anyone running Epic Casual in a group setting, and have become dete****l of EN and EH (outside of fate point grinding).
    Just pulled an EH set from end chest of Detour.

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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ganak View Post
    Those boots are smoking.

    I hope these EE items entice more people to run EE quests frequently.
    They should. They won't.

    More than half of those items are worth nothing. A couple of them are nice, that's all.

  16. #56
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    They should. They won't.

    More than half of those items are worth nothing. A couple of them are nice, that's all.
    actually i could make use of every item in this pack on one toon or another.

    except the khopesh.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    actually i could make use of every item in this pack on one toon or another.

    except the khopesh.
    The fact that you can use them doesn't mean they are actually THAT good. There are better items out there and these hardly replace them. Sure, you can find a place for them but it will not be your best gear set. Doing EE LV25 quests of the latest pack and getting gear that you will replace until you get better item is kinda disappointing.

    I was looking forward to these Orbs when I read the Release notes.

    You can use the Orb? Why? It has no Superior Lore, no Efficient metamagic, no Implement bonus. It has +2 SF: Mastery, on a weapon? I hardly believe you never switch weapons. So you will answer "they should be like a shield, you shouldn't wear it full time". Then why Spell Pen IX? Why isn't it Greater Spell Pen IX if you really wanna put it there? Why not an effect a lÃ* "Variable Resistance" of the Magister? Maybe weaker but similar.

    "Whenever take elemental damage +4 resistance to this type of damage for 2 minutes. Stacks up to 3 times. Stack cleared if take a different elemental damage".

    A medium armor with still Greater Arcane Lore? You are doing a quest LV 25 on EE and we still get an effect found on ML:12-13 Items (Noxious Embers, Green Blade, Skiver, Blue Dragonscale) and the armor has no +8/+3 stats on it. Spidersilk or Green armor is so much better.

    The khopesh..well. Do I need to say more? There is even a thread started by sirgog stating how much disappointing this is.

    I want to state it again: We are doing LV 25 EE quests. That loot is nowhere close to be decent enough (a couple of exceptions of course) to be worn all the time.

    The only really two good items are the boots and the Divine mace.

  18. #58
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    A medium armor with still Greater Arcane Lore? You are doing a quest LV 25 on EE and we still get an effect found on ML:12-13 Items (Noxious Embers, Green Blade, Skiver, Blue Dragonscale) and the armor has no +8/+3 stats on it. Spidersilk or Green armor is so much better.
    Actually shadowmail is exactly the armor i'll be replacing my blue scale robes with on my fvs, i'd prefer it if it had radiance available, (pretty sure everyone would) but sadly the item designer is rather dissociated from the state of the game.

    Like it or not, the devs seem to be pushing towards forcing us to swap items to match what we had pre motu, I personally hate that. So given my preference for keeping things equipped and not micro managing clickies / item swaps, this armor is pretty good.

    If you know a better way for my fvs to have arcane lore equipped along with an ESOS and a torc, I'd like to know, cause I've been struggling to find an upgrade from blue scale for a while.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    Actually shadowmail is exactly the armor i'll be replacing my blue scale robes with on my fvs, i'd prefer it if it had radiance available, (pretty sure everyone would) but sadly the item designer is rather dissociated from the state of the game.

    Like it or not, the devs seem to be pushing towards forcing us to swap items to match what we had pre motu, I personally hate that. So given my preference for keeping things equipped and not micro managing clickies / item swaps, this armor is pretty good.

    If you know a better way for my fvs to have arcane lore equipped along with an ESOS and a torc, I'd like to know, cause I've been struggling to find an upgrade from blue scale for a while.
    The red text is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not saying the item per se is THAT bad but we are talking about endgame gear ML25..with a GREATER Arcane lore? C'mon. Devs can do better. You can have Upgraded Noxious Embers for Greater Arcane Lore. It even has 5/rest Lesser Maximize clickies on it.

    Also I'm not sure it can't have radiance on it. OP states "Spell power +120" so Radiance might be included. In that case, if you are an ESOS wielder it might has some use I guess. But I still think that Major Arcane Lore would fit better.

  20. #60
    The Hatchery dejafu's Avatar
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    Anybody take screenshots of what the new armors look like when equipped?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Turning Ghostbane into a meme is, in my book, the best thing to happen to DDO in awhile.

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