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Thread: I'm stuck

  1. #1
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    Default I'm stuck

    Yes, I know this should be an Ingame but let me tell you, it kept saying to see my updatde ticket reply and it said at top right corner, i couldn't see anything, after hours and hours trying to see the reply or on email. I've been a little annoyed.

    No i can't do phone via since i'm deaf.

    I was in an invited airship, then we did our pvp challenge, then once it was over and we came back, the invite person who owns the ship was ok but me and my friend who don't own it said that we wernt on an owned ship, AKA needing invite which wouldn't work since we're at the pvp area.

    We have tried
    And we did pretty much anything to see any commands "/" to get out of this place. And no did not work.

    After a few hours, i logged in, I was at the Veteran Level Ship, it wont let me talk to captain to move, so all he says is he is busy or w/e an normal NPCs says. So now i'm submitting it on here. It's not a bug it's well known, I'm just asking to be teleported. This is my main and fav character. So i hope to have some assistance. SOmething said that premiums get faster help than normal freebies if thats true I'm a premium asi t says it on my character list.

    PLEASE, help me ASAP.

  2. #2
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    It's been 3 days, it's my main lvl 9. I've been annoyed since it even had it description wrong, to say to check your ticket at the top right, which is wrong, it's top left and I'd just like to have a response when im being moved.. (Sorry to sound ungrateful but im just too annoyed and for that i apolagize ofc)
    Last edited by richardsmith; 10-08-2012 at 12:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    ever since some ticket maintenence recently, the exclamation point remains on the screen. Clicking the point, then clicking each ticket you see, whether old or new, then restarting the client will make the exclamition go away, and work normaly.

  4. #4
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    Why don't you just jump off the ship? In case if it doesn't allow you to jump, can you join LFM or form party at this stage? If yes, try seeking help from anyone who have a Ring of Friend from DDO store, I hope that ring may allow you to escape from this situation.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    ever since some ticket maintenence recently, the exclamation point remains on the screen. Clicking the point, then clicking each ticket you see, whether old or new, then restarting the client will make the exclamition go away, and work normaly.
    here is me clicking the thing, i remember when i could look at ticketsbut it doesnt let me now, when i could look at them it was like a year or 2 ago

    Quote Originally Posted by akash View Post
    Why don't you just jump off the ship? In case if it doesn't allow you to jump, can you join LFM or form party at this stage? If yes, try seeking help from anyone who have a Ring of Friend from DDO store, I hope that ring may allow you to escape from this situation.

    Thanks i'll try, and no i cant jump off its the veteran ship it doesnt let u

    PLUS we're using it now its not working
    ^^ (if its too small, on the pic hes got braclet of friends and its not working)
    Dam,. its not working!

    can't the admins or w/e their called move my character?
    Last edited by richardsmith; 10-08-2012 at 01:41 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardsmith View Post
    here is me clicking the thing, i remember when i could look at ticketsbut it doesnt let me now, when i could look at them it was like a year or 2 ago

    Thanks i'll try, and no i cant jump off its the veteran ship it doesnt let u

    PLUS we're using it now its not working
    ^^ (if its too small, on the pic hes got braclet of friends and its not working)
    Dam,. its not working!

    can't the admins or w/e their called move my character?
    Is the bracelet of friend says you are in dungeon? In that case it won't work, it only works in public areas. Have you talked to all the NPCs in that veteran ship already? Specially with the level up lady? If all of the NPCs are busy and don't talk to you, then only a GM can get you out of this situation.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by akash View Post
    Is the bracelet of friend says you are in dungeon? In that case it won't work, it only works in public areas. Have you talked to all the NPCs in that veteran ship already? Specially with the level up lady? If all of the NPCs are busy and don't talk to you, then only a GM can get you out of this situation.
    Yeap, spoke to them all, It's really annoying.

    OKay heres the thing, the only thing you can do since i've tried everything, even submitted ticket which is half messed up i cant ssee their response(im not new, i know its messed up) and so on. The only thing now, is either i am forced to delete my fav char, and start all over again fedup or if they can just spend a time of looking on this topic and actually move me.i heard they do that to people who request them as bugged but mines ****ed up so they'll have to look to this post in order as a request. Please help me. Ricole(my char)

    If anyone asks, I'm 17 years old, incase you might think me as a kid because of the spellings and such since I'm typing in a rush without effort spelling.
    Last edited by richardsmith; 10-08-2012 at 02:21 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member 9Crows's Avatar
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    things like this scare away potential long term customers ....other people have been teleported away by gms when this has happened previously....this is one of the many reasons why people say customer service in this game sucks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 9Crows View Post
    things like this scare away potential long term customers ....other people have been teleported away by gms when this has happened previously....this is one of the many reasons why people say customer service in this game sucks
    Yeah :/ it's like hell for me cause I can't even call them on via phone that was recommended because of the deafness. They should work on making it MUCH more simpler.

  10. #10
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardsmith View Post
    Yeah :/ it's like hell for me cause I can't even call them on via phone that was recommended because of the deafness. They should work on making it MUCH more simpler.
    C'mon Turbine, PM this kid with an e-mail address so he can communicate with you. Or, provide him with TDD information.

    Or, hears a crazy idea, find his toon and tele him to the Marketplace.

    (To OP, don't delete the toon, just keep screaming with your fingers until someone listens and fixes your problem)
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxhunter View Post
    C'mon Turbine, PM this kid with an e-mail address so he can communicate with you. Or, provide him with TDD information.

    Or, hears a crazy idea, find his toon and tele him to the Marketplace.

    (To OP, don't delete the toon, just keep screaming with your fingers until someone listens and fixes your problem)
    Thank you very much lad, I am in need of being moved out of this thing, I've done everything I could to stop it, I've also shown proof of the incident. I hope something happens soon, If you manage to fix the problem by moving my character out of that bug, then thank you very much. I'll be checking this once a few hours if it's possible to have an reply. Thanks.

  12. #12
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    BUMP, 9th of November 2012, still waiting

  13. #13
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    thats pretty horrible... try pming various people

  14. #14
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    I believe you can still get off the ship if you can get your tumble low enough to take falling damage (take off feather fall, put on heaviest armor/shield you got) and keep jumping off the top of the ship until you kill yourself.

  15. #15
    Community Member gphysalis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardsmith View Post
    BUMP, 9th of November 2012, still waiting
    try sending a PM (Private Message) to Tolero

    Have I slept like rip van winkle or something?

  16. #16
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    Alright thanks

  17. #17
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    I'd try submitting an ingame ticket again (unless you are Free to Play). They will respond and can teleport you, even if it does take them a while, but you have to be online as they will respond in /tells.

    Just leave DDO up, send in a ticket, and wait while you do something else.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    I'd try submitting an ingame ticket again (unless you are Free to Play). They will respond and can teleport you, even if it does take them a while, but you have to be online as they will respond in /tells.

    Just leave DDO up, send in a ticket, and wait while you do something else.
    I've already done a ticket since 5 days ago now, I'm premium btw, and so i can't do anything, when i submit a ticket, i can't view the updated response on there , i do not know why but its messed up, i see others who check it and it's looks different from mines, so aka mines ****ed up or something. As the guy suggested me before, i sent him al ink pm to check this outl its the only hope i have left :/

  19. #19
    Community Member chance2000's Avatar
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    Default Had this happen to me

    If you can't use the phone in game help is pretty much all you got.
    This happened to me on a level 20 ranger.
    After you put in your ticket watch your chat display.
    A gm will send you a message.
    /death and stuff would not work for me.
    It took a while, think 3 of four tickets were closed on me.
    When I hit the ! it would shut the client down.
    When I was able to log back in the ticket was closed.
    Last time I just sat there and after a while noticed chat from a GM
    They teleported me to the harbor.
    The falling to your death may work if you have no tumble, a level 20 ranger has tumble.
    The last thread about this, I think the bracelet of friends was tried and did not work.
    If you have turbine points to get a rod of teleport that may work.
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  20. #20
    Community Member 9Crows's Avatar
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    ■Characters that mysteriously find themselves stuck on the Heart of Wind can now escape by talking to Thealeh.

    from todays release notes.. i hope this fixes it

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