Yes, I know this should be an Ingame but let me tell you, it kept saying to see my updatde ticket reply and it said at top right corner, i couldn't see anything, after hours and hours trying to see the reply or on email. I've been a little annoyed.
No i can't do phone via since i'm deaf.
I was in an invited airship, then we did our pvp challenge, then once it was over and we came back, the invite person who owns the ship was ok but me and my friend who don't own it said that we wernt on an owned ship, AKA needing invite which wouldn't work since we're at the pvp area.
We have tried
And we did pretty much anything to see any commands "/" to get out of this place. And no did not work.
After a few hours, i logged in, I was at the Veteran Level Ship, it wont let me talk to captain to move, so all he says is he is busy or w/e an normal NPCs says. So now i'm submitting it on here. It's not a bug it's well known, I'm just asking to be teleported. This is my main and fav character. So i hope to have some assistance. SOmething said that premiums get faster help than normal freebies if thats true I'm a premium asi t says it on my character list.
PLEASE, help me ASAP.