Last character wipe was pre-MotU.
Can we have a character wipe? Please? It's annoying that we can't test stuff because you can't do a character wipe. I don't want to play with my LEVEL 21 char with no gear.
Make it happen, please.
Last character wipe was pre-MotU.
Can we have a character wipe? Please? It's annoying that we can't test stuff because you can't do a character wipe. I don't want to play with my LEVEL 21 char with no gear.
Make it happen, please.
Yes, I won't even load Lam unless I can copy my new characters over.
At least every patch/update should wipe Lam.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
I myself prefer no wipe,as I've outfitted my Lamma characters uniquely for testing, but I see you are very passionate about wanting a wipe and I am wondering:
Why can't you copy your live characters over? Can you not delete Lamma characters to make a place for your live characters (or use a rename potion or whatever it is?)
What am I missing (that's obvious to everyone else?)
Well, you can only attempt to transfer max 5 characters. For me, 4 of the transfers failed, so I cannot attempt to transfer any more, and since my 3 main, only end game equip characters failed once, they cannot be attempted again. So the only lvl 20 character that made it to test is one I capped 4 years ago, who isn't geared, or even flagged to make it to Eveningstar. I just do not have the desire to spend a few hours to flag him, then to test new lvl 23 content with an under geared, no destined character I don't even enjoy playing.
Sorry but being at lvl21 is really only your due to your lack of desire to be higher. They held no less then 10+ leveling events since the last wipe (where they not only get you 25, but max every destiny), plus many more times they gave out xp randomly.
The gear part, yea I get that.
I don't like wipes though because there too lazy to improve the character copy tool.
They should simply fix it so you can manually reset and re attempt copies every 24 hours or so.
and on related note, yea we need another xp event to test out primal avatar properly.
Community Member
Sorry shade but the events are made when I can't log on. How exactly should I be at an event at 3-4am or when I'm working? Why can't I just play with MY char? On live I have exp maxed out since the first days of august, how can I lack of desire to be higher? Why would I do that grind again on a Beta server?
You guys have your chars, you can copy them again if a wipe happens. It's a win-win for everyone. And I'm not the only one in this situation.
Plus, I already tried to ask them to give me exp when MotU was done. They only got me to 20 (my char was level 16), not even 25 to test stuff. So no, it's not my lack of desire to be higher.
Anyway, in whatever method they wanna fix this, they should just do it. Doesn't matter if they let you manually reset a failed attempt (would be better but they can't get it done it seems) or a proper wipe, I just wanna play and test stuff with my char and my gear.
It's not. Believe it or not many players play on lammani and have real, heavily customized characters they put a lot of time in on lammania, and not on live. I personally have some really nice gear you cant even get on live on a couple of my characters now.
My point is, it DOES matter. For you to request a wipe is callous.Anyway, in whatever method they wanna fix this, they should just do it. Doesn't matter if they let you manually reset a failed attempt (would be better but they can't get it done it seems) or a proper wipe, I just wanna play and test stuff with my char and my gear.
The devs do read our posts. And if we constantly accept failure and medocrity like your asking for, they will constantly deliver it.
Aim higher and ask for a BETTER character copy tool that will allow you to get your updated chars on lammania this time and every time and they may provide it.
Ask for others to get there work destroedy and medicority from the devs and no, I wont agree and you should try harder.
They CAN get it done. It's only a matter of programming. It's just a matter of priorities to get it done. If enough players want it, and a dev takes initiive and looks into the problem, they can definetely deliver us a better copy tool that works as it should. Don't accept the defeat so easily.
Last edited by Shade; 10-07-2012 at 11:43 PM.
My sorcerer still haven't made it to Lammaland yet because of that charcopy error and my Fighter is so changed since last time copy that i do not recognize it anymore. Any attempt at testing the primal avatar will fail since i do not have access to that sphere and even if i do i do not have twist points to test combinations of abilities.
I could use a character wipe as well if that's the only way to test lamannia things.
Guild Leader of "GODS - Guardians Of the Dragon Sanctuary" on Cannith --- My Characters: Zavarthak (20 Barbarian Frenzied/Ravager DPS - MAIN), Ryumajin (Warlock,), Leohands (Evocation FVS firstlife), Galvano (Paladin TWF). - If you like or find useful my posts, consider adding reputation.
Shade as usuall you are in the wrong. Lama is a beta server and as such is to be used ONLY to test new content. If you and others attempt to live there you will be constantly disappointed when there is a nessary wipe. Many times in the past you yourself have made this point, and I find it callous of you to rail aginst others who respectfully request a wipe. If you disagree simply say "unsigned" There was no need to get snarky. As I have done so I appologize.
May we please have a wipe.
I would playtest much more if I had the option of overwriting a character via the page with my (significantly) newer version of the character from the live servers.