Well, I keep most of my plat on one character (my gimpy hagglebard crafterbot who's in charge of dealing with all the random **** I shove into the shared bank) so I do most of my AHing on her... however, especially when I'm waiting for a late-night Shroud to fill, I'll be perusing the AH on my ranger... who only has the cash he's gotten from chests and the odd BTC items he couldn't fob off onto the bard.
If I'm at the Harbor or Marketplace AH, having access to the Shared Bank (and thus the Plat Bank) would let me snap something up using the cash I keep there for emergencies, without running to the bank and back. So, helpful. Unlikely to ever happen, but helpful.
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
They need to have some functional changes. It's hilarious how bad the AH is compared to AH's in other games.
To me it looks like they are making room to add a fourth tab in the bottom left.
No idea what they have planned, maybe items you can bid on with real money.
One thing that I see is that it appears you no longer have to scroll the items list, they gained vertical space there.
As others have said the huge tabs on the left seem a bit out of place and use a lot of space. I am not on Lama so can not see it, is the real estate of the new Auction House bigger than the one we have now?
I play on a laptop and when the AH and Inventory are open they barely fit now so I hope it is not any larger.
This is true, however it doesn't take too many clicks before you have to start scrolling again, expand a few branches and you're scrolling. It allows more width for the names I guess, but the only titles for which width could really pose a problem are "Heavy Repeating Crossbow" and "Light Repeating Crossbow" which they could honestly just call (game wide) heavy repeater and light repeater....
Might be worth downloading Lamannia and checking to see how it works with your setup... New AH isn't as tall, but is a good deal wider, so it could very well be a problem... one of these days I will load up an imaging program to measure the pixel footprint of each layout and maybe make an overlay.
I have to disagree on the ease of use, if ever so slightly, still less so in my opinion.
On Live's AH all I need to do search-wise, is on the left, the category, the level, the search phrase, etc.
On Lama's AH the things I need to do are more broken up. Categories on the left, then I have to go back to the top to tweak things like level, phrase, etc...
I can't say I find it to be cleaner or better looking either, as that is more of a personal preference there is little point in arguing that point.
Do you mean vertical space or horizontal space? Vertically speaking, you're still going to be scrolling if you expand a few branches of items, horizontally speaking it is mostly a waste of space, only a handful (less than 5) titles require additional space beyond creature companions, adding width for those seems like adding quite a bit of 'unused space.'
Right. This aesthetic is no more nor less pleasing to me - they just moved stuff around. The search functionality added in, what, U10 or so? was nice; but tying into shared or char bank would be nice (no running to the bank then to AH.
DEVs: If you're going to fool around with aesthetics, consider making ALL dialogue boxen RESIZABLE. I am tired of having half of whatever list I am reading cut off on the right side. Hovering over each item to see what the last half of the title is REALLY slow and cumbersome compared to allowing me to resize the box and scan the suffixes. There is no logical reason why, from a user experience perspective, these cannot all be made resizable. IF, however, you're constrained by the controls/libraries you use;then I get it (tho that's kinda sad).
In the interest of testing things out, I put 100,000 in the shared bank, and no it still was not included in the amount of monies available to me.
On another note, the interface as current cannot support more than 6 figures of platinum well... it moves the last digit to a new line under the other numbers...
I noticed this throughout the game with U16 - check your inventory cash supply, etc. It's a "global" issue. I haven't checked live - does live have the plat amounts seperated by commas? If not, then they added commas here for the thousands and millions places but did not elongate the caption to allow for it. I'm sure they've all seen it by now so I didn't bother reporting it.
This made me chuckle a little... put the RMT folks out of business by facilitating it yourself...
List something for 2mil plat, get on a 2nd account, buy for $5.... *bam* you just got 1.4mil plat for $5.
Sadly it would not surprise me much if something like that was implemented.
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan
Mostly useless waste of UI programmers/artists time.
I don't qualify changing buttons around as "quality of life improvement".
LFM still has bugged check-boxes, and that isn't fixed...
And we still don't have the number of quest repetitions shown on the LFM panel.
Carry on.
~ Gaeryus (Sor9/Wiz7/Fvs4) Firebrand ~ ~ Phlegma (12Fgt/6Rog/2Pal)(L13)(eTR2) van Moyst ~
~ Hakashe (Pal14/Monk6)(L3)Nurigatu ~ ~ Koergan (Cle17/Brb2/Fgt1)Flamebeard ~
Ex-Captain of the Flying Funk ~ ~ Ascent ~ ~ Epic Farming Videos ~ ~ New and Exciting Bugs
One other thing I noticed last night using the Lamma AH.
I used to click on an equipment category (i.e. trinkets), then hit the Search button just below it...now I have to go find it in the upper right corner.
I's not a big thing, but after awhile if options used frequently together are moved to distant places on the screen you have to take a moment to travel, and that makes the entire process "feel" more cumbersome over time.
I think that most players wanna get in, do their stuff quickly, and move on, so every display that lets them do that will give them a better "feeling" about the feature...
I also commented on this, and I don't think the people who've been saying it looks easier to use have realized this yet... if ease of use is something to measure by, then scattering things about doesn't win you any points.
If we're getting the ability to search for things like guild slots and effects on items, I'll be ecstatic; otherwise, this is just shuffling the deck chairs, in some cases, facing away from the sun (search button is inexplicably not even next to the search field).
Sorta on the same subjest if you look in your key mapping i found something interesting called DNT TBD Black Market Auction. Checked on live and its not there so is this something new and could it be related to the new ui for the AH?
The sleeper has awakened
Krakonos The Ancient One Guild leader of Guardians of the Game Khyber
KrakenHeads(L20 WF THF) Ftr, KrakenSkulzz(L20 WF TWF), KrakenKills(L24 Drow Assisin), Spydraxis, KrakenSouls(L25 Human Fvs), KrakenHealz(L24 Human Cleric), KrakenTunes(L18 Drow Bard/Crafter A150/D150/E150)