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  1. #1
    Community Member Tiamas's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Default Primal Avatar - Very very first impression

    This impression is only based on the descriptions of the first tiers:

    Good stuff first:
    • Rejuvenation cocoon: Sounds like a decent heal over time source.
    • Ephemeral Evolution: PRR source, though needs a proper scaling for higher tiers (cant check this). If it results in a maintainable 15 PRR against a single monster (bossfight) its worth it i guess.
    • Stormrage: Sounds fun, again depends on the higher tiers if it is worth it.
    • Sp(i)rit boon: +2 Primal stats, ok, but if it doesnt stack with primal scream which is +5 str and con and only tier 1 this is a quite weak tier 5 ability. Make it permanent or add something.

    Now the rest, most stuff reads like nice things to play around with, but nothing really useful. Examples:
    • Insidious Spores: 1d4 rust and poison damage every 2 seconds bla ... if there is no new enhancements that allow to buff that kind of damage it sounds pretty useless.
    • Walk with the spirits: Sounds like a 30 seconds invis for 100 spellpoints.
    • Eternal return: Healing effect that only works if you are below 50% health is a very very suboptimal effect imo.
    • Primal travel: Jump back fast. Uhm ... might be funny if theres a nice visual effect, but ... you know, when do i really want to jump back? Ok, perhaps if someone is casting something nasty.
    • Autumn harvest: 10% chance to heal 1d8 on attack (so like vampiric but only 10%) cant tell what the higher tiers are, but if this is not scaling to 30%/3d8 i cant see it being usefull. (Esp. being a tier 5 effect)
    • Pet/charm buffs in general, might be my problem though as i am not a too big pet fan ;D
    General concerns:
    A lot of description read like: You might do damage once in a while for some time and perhaps get some bonuses to some of your abilities. I get that this is a very early preview, but especially the epic moment reads like that. If i have an ability i want to know how long it lasts, if there are ticks in which intervalls that ticks happen and how much damage they are dealing. Numbers are important here. I wont rely on a heal that says: Heals someone every few seconds quite a bit for some time.

    And now about the twf related Destiny here. Lol, simply lol. At least the first 3 tiers of the effects dont add any dmg to your attacks. You get a whopping 2% doublestrike for tier 4 ability. And a totally out of place ultimate ability:

    Symetric strikes/Natural Evasion
    You gain +1 to your crit multipliers OR evasion. (Animal unarmed or twf only)

    While i like the part that you can choose your bonus can you please tell my how you want to ever get people to use something else than kopeshes? Please tell me you forgot the "on a 19 or 20" here. Because if anyone can have a 15-20/x4 (+ x5 on 19/20 with overwhelming) Drow kopesh, i cant imagine other weapons can keep up with that.

    All in all, i think there is a lot of work left in that destiny. Quite underwhelming. Except for an insane Tier 6 kopesh user ability. Though i am not sure if this one thing can make up for an otherwise (in terms of twf) useless destiny.

    I still like the general idea of the natur magic + fighting style thing but the abilities seem to be created on a hangover morning.

    Edit: Just to make sure this part isnt missed: I only checked the descriptions! Maybe the higher tiers of each ability are way better. Someone else may want to test this. If everything gets massively better ignore the concerns here.
    Last edited by Tiamas; 10-05-2012 at 06:25 PM.
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