LFM will go up at about fifteen minutes before raid time and it will just say reserved send your forum name. Make sure you send your forum name before you join as I may not know all of you by your toon names.
Make sure you're ready to DQ2 as we won't run DQ1 during the drunken raid night
As usual the people who have ran it in the past get first dibs until Friday. Then it's open to anyone. You can sign up now even if your new to the runs and I'll put you on the reserve list. If it hasn't filled by Friday I'll move you to the main list. Also if the main list is full feel free to sign up for the reserve list as there's always a no show or two and if there isn't there's always 1-2 people who end up passing out within the 1st hour from too many shots.
We run the basic raid stuff Reaver, TOD, Shroud, Hound, etc. then we start the rotation all over again. Switch toons as needed. The rules are as follows. Novice level people do shots of their choice before & after every quest and drink their drink of choice along the way. Advanced level people do the same but they also do shots as we go thru ANY portal. That's the portals in every part of the Shroud all the ones in the sub on the way to Hound/VOD etc. The main rule is have fun and prepare to fail a raid or two at some point once we get too drunk. Once that happens there's no finger pointing or yelling. We just laugh at how stupid and drunk we are and rerun it.
The only other rule is the tapout rule. AKA "The Old milky Joe Addendum"?
. If you get so drunk that you've passed out at the keyboard, became so beligerant that you're offending 3 or more people and they let me know via PM. Then we will tap you out since you're too drunk to tap yourself out. This doesn't mean you're not welcome back next week it just means yuo win at DDO drunken raid night this week and your prize is a smoking hangover in the morning, but you're welcome back the following week with no hard feelings.
1. Eric
2. Rick
3. Muffin
4. Niki
5. Tugril
6. WildMage
7. Char
8. Scarlett
9. Spathic
10. Hordo
Reserves: Frenchy