A few days ago, I was challenged to get the maximum SP possible @ lvl 25 with a FVS. No TR's allowed.
oops. its 1.1 and not 1.3!
Well, I cant explain my fvs's 4.5k SP then. time to do some trial and error!
Today I opened my new lvl 7 32point build toon, and am planning to get 5k sp.
As for people saying its impossible, my hero life FVS (pl pali) had 4.5k sp in a wisdom build. I think its possible.
Yes I will have low dc's, therefore im building this as a healbot.
yes I know I should go wis build, since its better, but this is my 1 time challenge, and so far it seems the max I can get is: 4900 or so, by calculating:
1730 base
500 wizardry X
300 GS/war wiz
210 mental toughness+improved
200 epic mental
250 epic destiny
44-5 cha = +493
times 1.3 exalted angel destiny points
If I get 50-51 cha, I pass the 5k mark!
1730 base
500 wizardry X
300 GS/war wiz
210 mental toughness+improved
200 epic
250 epic destiny
50-51 cha = 580
times 1.3 exalted angel destiny points
with guild augs:
with 6 tr's (3 sorc 3 fvs)
*1.3= 5278
with sorc purchased pl feat
with crystal cove trinket
*1.3= 5544
So that basically the maximum achievable SP in the game, +-100.
Anyone got any ideas to increase the SP? I really want to complete this challenge!