my original account was banned 2 years ago for cursing.... for 27 years. is that normal? or was the mod having a bad day... either way i need some help tickets never get answered,
my original account was banned 2 years ago for cursing.... for 27 years. is that normal? or was the mod having a bad day... either way i need some help tickets never get answered,
what word did you say? it must have been bad. message me this magic word, i must own this great power
i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!
i honestly don't remember, i think i pmd the mod and said " F U" because i was a 16 year old jack ass at the time
That's a permanent suspension.
Permanent suspensions are placed on an account as a last resort after many of the following efforts to correct undesirable behavior have failed:
- Warning(s)
- 3 day suspension.
- 7 day suspension.
- 14 day suspension.
- 30 day suspension.
If you believe this account suspension is in error, please contact our In-Game Support team.
To do so, navigate a web browser to and click the button labeled "Submit a Ticket"
Fill in the form provided with all the details you would like assistance with. After selecting DDO as your Game, the Support Team catagory will appear. Put "In-Game Support" there.
Hope that helps. also i was never warned. the mod just up and banned me first offense :P
It's also against the rules to discuss bannings on the forum. Believe it or not it can get you banned again.
So much win in such a little thread.
If you get banned, does that mean no one can have your stuff?
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
As mentioned, bans cannot be discussed on the forums. If you would like to appeal the ban, you may do so by submitting a Suspension Appeal to the In-Game team here.
I'm going to close this thread.