Originally Posted by
Thanks everyone for your input so far.
OK, here is my stand on all mentioned:
TR: I will not TR with any character for the exact reason I want an Elite unlock. I don't want to play the same quest over and over.
VIP: I will never go VIP, even if Turbine dosn't sort this problem, I will end up leaving the game altogether once I get bored playing the high level quests
Asking VIP's: While DDO was my sole game, I didn't mind waiting around for 20 or so mins asking for unlocks (although some quests - particulally chains like Deleras make unlocking this way very tricky) But now I have other games to play I find myself saying "why am I waiting around for an unlock when I can just load up game X instead"
VIP's strongly complaining about having Elite unlock as a store account upgrade:
I would be interested In some official feedback from Turbine as I am pretty sure they make a LOT more revenue p.a. from P2P than they do in VIP subscriptions. I'm pretty sure that I heard some official on some forum that they made more money in the fist few months of going F2P than they got in VIP subscriptions from the whole of the previous year. Also, how many VIP's would actualy cancel their subscription because of this?
and Memnir, I hope you don't consider my previous post as rude. I did not see the impact you thought this may have (with VIP's leaving), so genuinly thought you were just trolling for the sake of it. Appologies.
So Turebine officials, can you please clear up what percentage of your revenue is between VIP & P2P
and VIP's how many of you feel like Memnir and would go P2P if they implemented this?