Suggesting adjusting some of them so they are useful and make the other archmages more interesting. (just going down list from ddo wiki)
Abjuration I - Shield: Make this scale with caster level
Conjuration I - Grease: Change for mage armor and scale with caster level
Necromancy I - Chill Touch: Allow it to scale in higher damage
Transmutation I - Jump: Exchange for expeditious retreat and allow it to scale higher to 30-40%
Abjuration II- resist energy: make this version self only and allow it to scale higher
Evocation II- Gust of wind: allow it to effect large enemies
Illusion II - blur: allow it to scale in some way but not better than displacement
Necromancy II - command undead: give a willsave every min instead of every 20 seconds for intelligent undead
Transmutation II - knock: suggest changing this for repair light damage
Abjuration III - protection from energy: allow it to scale higher
Abjuration IV - stoneskin: allow DR to scale slightly, perhaps where dr maxes out at DR 15/Ada at 25
Conjuration IV - dimension door: give 2 effects 1 normal DD effect the other being a longer ranged abundant leap effect but can only be used like DD (once every 30-60 seconds). Locks out DD timer as well.
Enchantment IV -charm monster: Give monsters saves less often
Evocation IV - Fire shield IV: allow the damage to scale
Transmutation IV - Change stone to flesh for tensers transformation and have it penalize spell casting less for this version and possible scale slightly with caster level
Abjuration V - Dismissal: have it deal more damage than standard version
Conjuration V - Cloud kill: the spell damage on this should be able to max and empower (not stat dmg though)
Illusion V - Shadow walk: change this spell to something similar to tensers where you gain bonuses but have it penalize spell casting speed for example and have it scale with caster level more than normal version (as your caster level increases you are "closer" to the plane of shadow)
Necromancy V -Waves of fatigue: allow this version to scale very slightly with caster level