When someone thinks about a dungeon, the most common thing that comes to mind is going in somewhere at the behest of a random person, smashing everything in sight, killing everything that moves, and killing the boss/saving the innocent/getting the item before looting to your heart's content. So, logically, the reverse is going through and resurrecting all the monsters, giving them some stuff, and gluing their broken vases back together.
That's not what I mean, though. The Reverse Dungeon challenge reverses the roles - instead of being the pillaging and killing invaders, you're the ones in the dungeon who are being invaded. The players fulfill the role of the orange names, important-yet-expendable, and are doing what they can to keep the "red name" boss alive, important item safe, or the prisoner locked away, whatever. Unlike your normal protect quests, there are not hordes of mobs that come after you, but rather a pack of big, nasty beasties that all roll around together and are given a ridiculous amount of HP and damage output that should discourage people to keep from going toe-to-toe. And it doesn't help that the boss generates periodic bouts of threat that keep them focused on coming back to the boss.
Since fighting a bunch of bulldozers that ignore you periodically isn't that fun, you're going to need help. Fortunately for you, this is where the Reverse Dungeon's uniqueness comes into play. Because, with the exception of the key NPC/item, you get to set up the dungeon.
Each room (beyond the starting room and the possible entrances) has a "spawn circle." Here, you can bust out a mob item, trap item, treasure item, or breakables item, and these things spawn in the room. These are used for delay and damage. Breakables are cheap, acting as a brief decoy while they're smashed. Treasure creates illusionary treasure piles that decoys invaders and stuns them for a while. Traps do a lot of damage, but can be disabled if the invaders have a rogue type with them. Mobs spawn 4-8 mobs that wait around until the invaders come close, and then do some damage. How much damage depends on the mob type and the NPC types. In addition, there are some door spawn points, that let you block off passages with locked doors, barricades, secret passages, and door traps.
To get these items, there is a special vendor in the "boss" room where you spend resources. Resources are gained periodically from a generator item, which can be upgraded to increase output. Resource Pouches are also scattered through the dungeon, spawning and disappearing periodically; by picking them up, you get more resources quicker.
Additionally, from time to time a Reinforcement NPC will pop up for a short while in certain areas. If you go up and interact with them, they may give you a random spawn item and a small amount of resources, a large amount of resources, or will spawn a few mobs and attack you. These are more appropriate for the level, however, and gives spawn items on death.
The invading NPCs won't be static each time. The group consists of 4 NPCs that have various roles. Some of these roles will definitely be seen, such as at least one tank type. Others are not guaranteed, such as a rogue type. If an NPC is taken down, there is a reprieve for a while, and then respawns at the starting point (or maybe a different one rolls up). If all of the invading party is wiped, it causes a forced spawn at the starting point.
Scoring is based on resources gathered and mobs killed (when your mobs die to the invaders, it counts to your total).
Star objectives:
- Keep X alive/safe/imprisoned until time up - Primary Objective
- Beat 1 "adventurer"
- Beat 2 "adventurers"
- Beat 3 "adventurers"
- Beat 4 "adventurers"