I hope that's not true. Was looking forward to Epic Gianthold. Though the seal shard scroll mechanic is a little grindy, it adds something to the re-run value. It feels like working towards something but still the excitement of randomness.
The wraps look really good. Gonna have to grab some for a future monk life.
The cloak is tamer than I expected. Was really disappointed not to see augment slots on it, or any of the items.
I hope I'm wrong as well. I know nothing from Forgotten Realms will use the old Epic crafting system (which is what I based that statement on), but I don't think they've definitely ruled it out for future Eberron Epic-level gear, assuming any is ever created again. I just got the impression that they'd just as soon forget that whole system ever existed![]()
In the producer letter from a couple weeks ago, Fernando told us that we'll be getting epic Gianthold in 2013.
No new items? Fantastic!
No reason to even feel compelled to enter the cluster of fail and devoid of all things fun event that is Mabar.
Mabar is a really badly designed event, and even with these concessions to making the event more user-friendly - it still sounds like the Devs missed the most crucial element that needed fixing. The lack of fun and good times. Maybe in three to four more years' worth of tweaks and fixes the event might become something resembling fun - but splitting the zones into more level-specific ones is not exactly a retool of the event itself. It may help - but not enough. Adding a boost to ML 24 on the existing items is nice - but overall pretty 'meh' in terms of what would be gained for having to stomach the event itself.
Mabar, at least from where I sit way back in the cheap seats, still seems to be the champ of the bottom rung of Turbine's increasingly unspecial special DDO events.
The Docent had an epic slot when first released before boon to undeath was added. Boon was added and I guess someone noticed the epic slot at that point and it was gone the next update.I never understood why they didn't have Epic slots in the first place
This was all on Lamannia, the epic slot never made it to live.
Please correct me if i've missed it, but i didn't have a chance to log on and I cant see it anywhere.
I would have thought this 'epic upgrade' would have been a great opportunity to include an Epic Spectral Dragonscale armour set. (I will leave it to the Sirgogs and Shades to think of some unique stats for it)
Would think that would give ppl something to get excited about.
IMO the lvl 24 loot is exactly what many of us would have guessed they would have. Nothing exciting at all. I wonder if a lot of ppl will actually prefer the lvl 20 cloak because 3% dodge is available in a lot of other places and the DR 10 is not of a lot of value.
I, like a lot of people, were expecting some new items, not simply a very slight incrimental upgrade to the existing. At a minimum, please give us some epic slots on these items.
Last edited by kzeast; 09-28-2012 at 03:21 AM.
My problem with it is that for many its not necessarily an upgrade since same % dodge do not stack and 3% is fairly easy to get so if you already have 3% you lose the 2% you had. I would have preferred to have seen them add an additional 1% to the existing 2% rather than the combined 3% given, or make it 4% since that is often harder to fit in now though it could result in the same issue.
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
so we got this instead of the cove?
Guild leader of MERC'S ONLY and husband to Trissamain-Ashnod alts-Mishra, Phyrexian, Themaster
Why no new items?
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.
I looked under the Mabar event in Wiki and the level 24 slots are all blank. Where are the lvl 24 items again?
They are posted in this thread.
I don't want to say this really but sometimes I really miss Genasi. He would listen to some of our feedbacks and adjust items based on them.
Feather (or whoever else is in charge of item's design), if you reading, listen to some of our feedbacks and make these items more appealing. The only noteworthy item is the cloak, best-in-slot for PMs imho. And I don't mean this only for Mabar, I mean this for some of the destinies we already have and the new items that will come in the future.
Community Member
Well, I'm super excited about updating my cloak for one guy, building a cloak from scratch for one of my newer characters, updating my wraps, and updating my docent and probably building a robe equivalent.
I have a lot of work ahead of me
Totally excited about Mabar coming.