Not to be one to feel left out, I thought I would post anothere thread about BYOH.

Actually, I was hoping to take this one in a slightly different direction... rather than join one of the threads that have ten different conversaions going on at once in them.

So I will ask this question:

What kinds of healing options are there for characters without SP?

and what kinds of healing amp options are there?

How much healing amp do these options give us? How do they stack?

What are some other self sufficient options?

We have CSW potions. Including those from guild vendors that are suppose to be cheaper to purchase.

We have Silver Flame potions.

We have UMD as an option, but I would not mind a restate of how a guy with only 11 ranks in UMD and an 8 Cha can UMD heal scrolls......

You could roll up a Halfling or Half Elf. Take Dragon Marks or an appropriate Diletant(sp) feat and enhancements.

I wouldn't go so far as to tell someone to put point into the Heal skill, put it would help you get more HP back at rest shrines..... (better put those same points into UMD instead IMO)

Humans and Half Elves can take Healing Amp enhancements. (they are the only ones, right?)
I can't remember if any of the classes have a healing amp enhancment line....

10% from ship buff that any guild ship of any lvl can have I think.

Which classes have Wand/scroll enhancements? Does anything else effect the power of wands/scrolls?

I think it is worth mentiioning that buffs (available from guilds and house P/J favor.. and clickies) can greatly reduce how much damage you take.

Also AC works now, and can greatly reduce how much damage you take.
(did you know that Barbs can wear Medium Armor and use Shields?)

Speaking of Barbs.... They get a damage reduction line of enhancments. (although I have always thought that DR in this game is so little that it is barely worth mentioning... if you think other wise, please comment and let me know)

WF get one too.. right?

WF have immunties.... what else?

Dwarves have spell defense and shield bonuses.... what else?

Elves have. (yes, some people play Elf melee guys ) Dragon Marks.

Drow have (yes them too...) SR which I think is underrated by the community.

We mentioned Humans and Half Elves and Halflings.

Half Orcs have hirlings. (jk... you guys are the one race that really gets screwed.... how's all of that Strength and TWF line working out for ya? )

Anyway... what else? What am I missing?

I know this thread will devolve into the same bickering as the others, but maybe I can actually get some advice and knowlege posted here first....
