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Thread: LFM adjustments

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Default LFM adjustments

    A few things I would like to change added / changed to LFMs.

    1. For public LFMs, I would suggest the choice of
    a) don't want to be leader (shown in LFM as want Leader)
    b) want to be leader (shown in LFM as has Leader)
    c) no comment (nothing shown in LFM)

    2. Automatic level range needs to fixed.
    a) If LFM poster is 2 levels (1 level for Normal) or more above quest, default maximum should be LFM poster.
    b) LFM level default should never have a range that causes the lowest level to have a 50% penalty (if the highest level is present)

    3. LFM follows leader. If leader is switched, LFM is not taken down, but instead transferred to the new leader.

    4. If someone that is anonymous asks to join the group, show the classes/levels to the leader

  2. #2
    Forum Turtle
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    Public lfm's already have the choice to not be the 'leader'. We saw a lot of them when it first came out, but not so much now because people rarely join them. They kinda scream "I lack confidence". The few I joined in the spirit of thinking it's a new player who wanted to learn something new without exception turned into it's a new player that 'knows everything, doesn't listen to anything anyone else in the group says, dies repeatedly becuase even a simple there is a trap there gets a you don't know what youre talking about, and then many times fails out the quest becuase they didnt' bother to read the objectives and messed something up".

    2) Automatic range should not be changed. It's one of the ways you can tell if a player knows what the heck he's doing or cares about other players by taking the time to set the levels the properly. IT takes literally three seconds.

    3) No quibbles here, it doesn't matter to me if I have to take the five seconds to put it back up or not when it's switched out. It's not a crisis that it goes down and the new leader has to put it back up. It might be good that they do, so the warning signs will show if something is wrong.

    4) Good idea, but again, not critical. If the person joining isn't in the range advertised for, the leader can kick and move on. Most people aren't hiding their class/levels with anonymous ,but really bad reputations on their servers and will get kicked by people who know them anyway.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Mastikator's Avatar
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    1 & 2 are IMO irrelevant, the leader can and should decide the level range and leadership manually,.

    3 & 4 /signed
    That which does not kill you gives you experience points.


  4. #4
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Honestly, I think that the LFM should match that if the Leader is in Bravery Range that the Level Range for the Quest should Default to Bravery Range.

    Otherwise, the rest if it is not important.

  5. #5
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Meh. Nothing earth shattering here, and some of it already exists.
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