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  1. #1
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Default Magister/Draconic innate +CL broken by 15.2

    Yea you updated them to remove the +1CL from lvl0. And said something about adding +1 CL for lvl5..

    But now they only grant +4 CL when maxed out.

    Can't say what lvl exactly is bugged for sure given i can only test the maximum. However I think its a safe bet to say its the lvl5.

    Also, the text for them makes absolutely no sense. Read it completely literally, it states we should be getting about +8/9/10 caster levels depending on destiny.. Really needs some proof reading done.

    IMO the way this is done is just kludgy, unintuitive and goes against the entire purpose of destinies and ddo's extensive character customization. It forces casters in one sphere. Or at least severely and unfairly penalizes them for trying out other spheres. Really should of simply given +1 CL per epic lvl for relevant classes you have. Would maybe even take less then 3 months to debug that way since its centralized.
    Last edited by Shade; 09-26-2012 at 03:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Hero rdasca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Really should of simply given +1 CL per epic lvl for relevant classes you have.

    oh and /signed : /please : /whatever makes this happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    I just don't think it's right to make fun of DDO's NPCs. Infractions for everyone!

  3. #3
    Hero knockcocker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Yea you updated them to remove the +1CL from lvl0. And said something about adding +1 CL for lvl5..

    But now they only grant +4 CL when maxed out.

    Can't say what lvl exactly is bugged for sure given i can only test the maximum. However I think its a safe bet to say its the lvl5.

    Also, the text for them makes absolutely no sense. Read it completely literally, it states we should be getting about +8/9/10 caster levels depending on destiny.. Really needs some proof reading done.

    IMO the way this is done is just kludgy, unintuitive and goes against the entire purpose of destinies and ddo's extensive character customization. It forces casters in one sphere. Or at least severely and unfairly penalizes them for trying out other spheres. Really should of simply given +1 CL per epic lvl for relevant classes you have. Would maybe even take less then 3 months to debug that way since its centralized.
    Awesome. I guess the CL/MCL thing for certain spells is still just as borked as ever?

  4. #4
    Community Member johnnyputrid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Yea you updated them to remove the +1CL from lvl0. And said something about adding +1 CL for lvl5..

    But now they only grant +4 CL when maxed out.

    Can't say what lvl exactly is bugged for sure given i can only test the maximum. However I think its a safe bet to say its the lvl5.
    It is the lvl 5 that is bugged out for sure. My earth savant just hit DI5 on live last night and my stoneskin, which had been increasing +1 caster level through every level, did not increase upon hitting DI5. 20 heroic levels, +6 savant levels, +5 draconic levels should see a 31 minute, 310-point stoneskin, but I'm only getting 30 mins, 300 points.

    Not to mention that the draconic spell knowledge caster level doesn't seem to apply to any non-damage acid spells either. With the additional +3 caster levels from spell knowledge I should be casting earth spells at lvl 34, but that doesn't seem to be working correctly.

  5. #5
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    IMO the way this is done is just kludgy, unintuitive and goes against the entire purpose of destinies and ddo's extensive character customization. It forces casters in one sphere. Or at least severely and unfairly penalizes them for trying out other spheres. Really should of simply given +1 CL per epic lvl for relevant classes you have. Would maybe even take less then 3 months to debug that way since its centralized.
    I feel this way about a lot of things. Ranged combat, which doesn't function well in a lot of destinies (like 2/3 of the Primal Sphere... I mean seriously, the Ranger Sphere has only 1 Archery-friendly Destiny?), any non-monk in Grandmaster of Flowers (Assuming most non-monks either don't use ki weapons, do wear armor, or in the case of most cloth wearing q-staff users, use spells to kill enemies so wouldn't be bothered building up ki in the first place), TWF, Artificers, and a lot of other builds that don't fit well with the majority of Destinies out there..

    Destinies, which were supposed to be Mix-and-match, allowing us to have multiple choices of epic specialization for our characters ends up pidgeonholing us more than ever. Worse, it actively encourages players to use one or two destinies that would be relevant to their characters, but only puts 1/11th of their potential epic character advancement in that one Destiny.

    /Rant. Destinies are a mess, and I fully support caster levels being attached to actual epic levels rather than specific destinies.
    Last edited by Brennie; 10-27-2012 at 06:21 PM.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    IMO the way this is done is just kludgy, unintuitive and goes against the entire purpose of destinies and ddo's extensive character customization. It forces casters in one sphere. Or at least severely and unfairly penalizes them for trying out other spheres. Really should of simply given +1 CL per epic lvl for relevant classes you have. Would maybe even take less then 3 months to debug that way since its centralized.
    THIS. CL should increase with epic level, not destiny level. A caster that uses spells affected by spell resistance has zero reason to ever stray away from the arcane sphere.
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