I wasn't sure if talking about this app. was a infringment...so I deleted the info
I wasn't sure if talking about this app. was a infringment...so I deleted the info
Last edited by Tiberius0000; 09-26-2012 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Wasn't sure if it was a infringment
Fellowship of the Green Hat, "Lean...Mean...and Green".
Virtual Table Top apps have been around for a while now. Its just a cooler way to make PnP games come alive.
Wizard of the Coast has their version of it.
RP Tools has a free version
Dont think its much of an infringement if it was the mods would just delete it.
Looking for a role play home or just a place to enjoy the journey through Eberron then come and check us out! New to role play then come and ask I wont bite.
My RP Blog on Grimnal http://silverdragon.totalgamehost.com/Me/541520035
Official Recruit Thread
Guild Site http://silverdragon.totalgamehost.co...&TabID=3939432
its a cool thing to use there is another with a similar name and then there is maptools all good for your game either online or assisting with a pnp game.
Beware the Sleepeater