It seems that my main character is finally ready to True Reincarnate into his first life as a completionist.
Although i have played all the classes and several different builds (including my other 4 characters) i'm still not entirely sure what i want my final build to look like.
I'm pretty sure i want a melee DPS - possibly with TWF line
Looking for builds that have
- very good damage output
- good survivability (do not plan on playing solo - but it's nice to be able to withstand a fair number of blows before the help/heals arrive)
- decent healing amplification (who doesn't love it)
- some self-healing would be a nice addition but isn't a top most priority (i imagine silver flame pots would be used if needed)
- being able to play the role of a tank with a gear change (and minor changes to enhancements if necessary)
If you have any suggestions (including gear setup) dont hesitate to post with specific builds ;-)
Forgot to add some info:
so far only have 3 +3 tomes used (str, dex, con - the rest is only +2) but you can safely treat me as +3 in all states for the purpose of proposed builds.
I will hunt for +4 tomes eventually but might take a while to achieve it.
From any notable epic/endagem items already in my possession - can't say i have any :P (yeah, well, farming epics wasn't my main goal and i usually TRed soon after reaching level 20 - plus there is that thing that i didn't know what class/build my completionist will be)
I'm pretty sure that i will be hunting for Litany of the Dead trinket unless the suggested build will have a better item for that slot (planar focus? not really sure if i want them - but it depends on the main weapon type for the build)
Any other items? just go wild and pick whatever will be the best option