I may be wrong about this, but stunned creatures can be sneak attacked even when it has agro on you.
So, because I don't like sneaking around or relying on others to maintain agro I'm thinking, why not stun every monster?
So here's what I'm thinking Monk 7/Rogue 13
Stun DC:
10 base,
10 level
9 wis mod
10 wraps
5 combat mastery from spare hand
3 improv sunder penalty
3 pl fighter
= 50 stun DC total at level 20, enough to stun anything that can be stunned
Sneak attack:
7d6 level 13 rogue
2d6 assassin 2
1d6 ninja
9 sneak attack training enhancement
3 ring of the stalker
= 10d6+12 = 22-72 ~47
Question, is this viable for leveling solo and in groups? I'm only interested in level 1-20, mostly for the rogue PL. Or should I go pure rogue, or some other rogue builds?