This is an idea that is highly unlikely to be added to the game; however, this forum is for presenting any kind of suggestions and ideas, whether it is good, bad, very likely, or downright impossible. And hey, you never know when an unlikely idea might actually spark interest in the DDO staff and get them working on things.
So, what is Kythri? To save those who don't know a quick Google search, it is Eberron's plane of chaos.
Kythri Mode is a proposed check box option added at the entrance to quests. It is designed to add a random element to the game for those who want a little bit of spice and traversing the unknown. There has always been a little bit of randomness with rare monsters, sometimes replacing enemy mobs. With the evolution of the game, we have seen greater random elements incorporated with Shradi Champion and Challenges. Kythri mode would work off of these premises, making dungeons more dynamic.
When selected, only key scripted events remain the same, such as enemies that you have to kill for objectives. Instead of spawning static mobs, the areas have a random spawn list, which may extend to monsters not normally in the dungeon. The higher the difficulty, the more varied the encounters can be, and elite has the widest range of options. With the exception of storyline traps, traps are also randomized in both position and types. If the quest already features random placement, Kythri Mode would open even more possible spots.
The list of possible monsters would be tailored to each dungeon. It consists of mobs normally seen in the dungeon, a few "modified" versions of the mobs (has haste, casts dispel on crit, has new spells in their list, or does an extra 1d6 damage of a random element type, for example), and as mentioned, a few mobs not seen in the dungeon normally - also possibly possessing special abilities. The amount for each "encounter" is also randomized - it could go down as low as a single monster, or it could have up to 1-3 more monsters.
To add further flare, the shrines will get random placement as well.
So, what rewards do I propose with this new mode? Nothing! I am not suggesting additional XP, Favor, or increased/decreased drops. This mode isn't designed in mind to try and be extremely difficult, but it is to change the pace of the normal game and to offer surprises for players who know the quest. It's not even made to increase difficulty - with the random amount of monsters, a "lucky" set of rolls may end up with less common mobs then normal.
But, as with all of my ideas, nothing is set in stone. I am more then willing to listen to suggestions and ideas on how to improve it.