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  1. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Entelech View Post
    The burden of proof on this statement rests with you, not with me.
    In that, you are incorrect.

    I am unable to counter an argument that rests solely on "I hate XXX". If you hate ice cream, I am very unlikely to change your mind by simply extolling the virtues of ice cream as I see it. Likewise, I unable to effectively argue against suspect and nebulous "I have 10 years experience with people who like pvp and they are all meanies!". The best I can do there is express severe doubt EVERYONE you met fit that category, mock that kind of generalization, point out that previous experience does not dictate future experience, mention the implementation could be WILDLY different than anything you've seen before and suggest you try for a better argument.

    That's the reality.

    The opposition to improving or adding to the pvp in DDO has never (and I mean never) included a rational supportive argument free from a counter. Not once. It's an indefensible position for the very reason that, at its most basic level, is "Let's improve DDO". When you strip away all the non-arguments, you almost always end up at "Ya well I don't like pvp and I don't want dev time wasted on it". That's flawed in two very specific ways:
    1) You have absolutely zero idea how Turbine may go about adding such a feature. Monster Play, Player vs Monster Dungeons, Competetive 2+ team dungeons, etc.
    2) You don't walk into a restaurant and demand everything you don't like come off the menu. If DDO attracts more players, it attracts more profit. With more profit, it enjoys a longer life. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is not a rational standpoint.

    If I take a moment to read further into your post, you include other non-arguments. You ruminate on what you believe the devs were thinking years ago and speculate on why the current system is left rotting (note: I was actually here back then, you likely were not. And that was not the public conversation that preceded pvp being added). This is not a relevant fact, point or argument.

    You can believe, feel and opine on whatever you like. Those are not arguments though. Those are also not productive places from which to publically oppose people who may actually be interested in genuine discussion.
    Last edited by Dribble; 09-26-2012 at 03:27 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu
    Dear Delt,

    No reach around references.

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