There was nothing in your post that even approached a "relevant defense", nor was it remotely logical. What you provided, since you apparently need some clarity, was a rambling and incoherent string of vitriol intended to baselessly group anyone that happens to enjoy playing against a player, rather than playing against a script/AI, into some insulting and narrow label you've invented.
You are free to take that brush of yours and broadly colour any group of players you like. I really don't care. I can not argue rationally against someone taking the kind of position you have taken. What I CAN do however (and what the article should have done a better job with) is address the actual weak argument:
On Players you don't like:
- You have been provided tools to deal with harassment, the same way you have tools to deal with obnoxious people in PVE/chat.
- Turbine has managed to police the game and forums (overly, imo) since going F2P. They can do so with your imaginary drooling PVP crowd as well.
- Various solutions or suggestions on improving/adding pvp actually include separate instances. So for those xenophobic folks that need to protect their virgin ears from mean pvpers, but can't find the /ignore feature...well, it's actually an **improvement**.
I've yet to encounter a rational argument based on anything close to reality. PvP is a very general term and could be added to DDO in a way that not only profits Turbine, but has zero impact on balance. *gasp* It could even happen in a way that gets Pve'ers and RPers excited....!
But no...let's stifle the discussion with non-arguments and +1 each other