With the mamoth BYOH thread that is currently on the forums I sat down and took a look at healing in DDO. It seems to me that until the heal spell is available healing is nothing more than a spell point drain. Also trying to survive on potions is just one step short of ridiculous.
Here is the problem as I percive it. When DDO was created all characters were given a 20 point hit point boost at creation. Now we add in feats and enhancements. This allows a 1st level human fighter to be able to step onto Korthos with a whopping 40 hps.
Now we look at the first level cleric. This poor chap gets a spell that will cure a minimum of 4 hps and a maximum of 9 hps (with no metamagics) at a cost of 5 sps. This means that it could cost anywhere from 20 to 40 sps to heal 30 points of damage. This can easily be 25% of the available spell points the cleric has available. Only advantage is he did not have to use a spell slot to have the spell available.
Pots suffer under the same problem with a kicker. First of all pots heal the same as the spell. Second you either have to find them (begining character with no money), or purchase them in mass. Also you have to dedicate inventory space to them.
My suggestion to address this would be to give all for the cure spells and potions a 10 hit point kicker. This would address the bravery bonus received at creation. It would also make healing at lower levels a bit more viable and much less of a pain.
I don't feel that this would upset game balance, but rather make healing better for the classes most suited for it. As it is right now I refuse to group with a low level cleric of favored soul simply because healing is such as pain. Once I am able to carry heal or mass heal things change and I don't mind healing quite so much.