Is it possible to scale The Demon Web to 2 people by default regarding numbers of mobs?
I think it is really sad, that you run from platform to platform and mostly face ONE!!! Swarmhorde spider only. Maximum 3 mobs or that about. This seems to be too low. And for my Barbarian it clearly is!
My Barbarian feels lonely and while that is giving this area the right atmosphere it is called *The Demon Web*. Not *Itzy Bitzy Spider Web*.
My suggestions:
- give an option to choose our personal scaling (like when you enter a Challenge you can choose lvl. one by one)
- or let us choose a difficulty other than norm and bind numbers and difficulty of mobs to it
- or give a permanent scaling like instead of one character by default 2 characters regarding the numbers. Leave the indivudal difficulty of these mobs untouched.
Right now the Demon Web fails being a slayer area. The Underdark and King's Forest however got the right balance. The Demon Web does not. It may be because of the quests in there but I don't see a big problem in higher mob numbers when they all are same low difficulty. I am really amazed by the Demon Web design and like running around in there. But my toons do not face encounters as frequently as I liked.