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  1. #1
    Community Member Ermin_Sivarch's Avatar
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    Default Monk splash using light armor?

    Wondering if a monk splash char can use light armor? I was reading from various threads saying that light armor won't ruin evasion from a monk. Will you be uncentered but still have evasion while wearing light armor as a monk? After reading alot of threads, they imply that monks splashes with light armor is a good idea.

  2. #2
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    you *can* wear light armor and retain your evasion (as long as you don't become burdened)

    but... you lose your centered wisdom bonus to AC, which depending on your wisdom and your intended suit of armor, is potentially higher than the armor you are putting on.

    besides, its loads of fun to punch things to death

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  3. #3
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Is this question for a toon your going to make or a toon you already have?

    I ask because if you are splashing monk for evasion only then you are probably better going rogue splash.
    If the toon is made and you find light armor more advantageous then by all means wear light.

    My acrobat had a monk splash (single) and cloth was the way to go early then I got her stoned to 16. Now the grind gap to get a decent enough AC is enough that I didn't bother and just threw on some named light armor for the effects and a slightly better AC.

    Not enough more AC to make virtually any difference in how often she gets hit so if I come across a robe/outfit in my travels that offers better effects I'll change back.
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  4. #4
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    i have a 18 paladin/2 monk. most of the time i run around in a DT vestment and punch things. when i am called upon to tank, i swap to a parasitic BP and a levik's defender shield.

    i still get evasion in the BP.

    *shrug* that setup works for me

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    Is this question for a toon your going to make or a toon you already have?

    I ask because if you are splashing monk for evasion only then you are probably better going rogue splash.
    If the toon is made and you find light armor more advantageous then by all means wear light.

    My acrobat had a monk splash (single) and cloth was the way to go early then I got her stoned to 16. Now the grind gap to get a decent enough AC is enough that I didn't bother and just threw on some named light armor for the effects and a slightly better AC.

    Not enough more AC to make virtually any difference in how often she gets hit so if I come across a robe/outfit in my travels that offers better effects I'll change back.
    What if any are the negative effects of wearing light armor on your Monk splash? How does it apply to the benefits you get from 1 Monk?

  6. #6
    Community Member Duke-H-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    I ask because if you are splashing monk for evasion only then you are probably better going rogue splash.
    The feats from monk can be very nice for feat starved classes like paladin.
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  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipwire View Post
    What if any are the negative effects of wearing light armor on your Monk splash?
    You lose access to your monk-specific abilities: i.e., stances, monk strikes, atk speed bonus w/handwraps, WIS bonus to AC, special abilities such as Shadow Fade from Ninja Spy. You retain static bonuses like Evasion, your bonus monk feats, monk healing amp (if any), and your saves. Since monk 2 provides 2 extra feats, +3 to all saves, and Evasion, it's (still) a pretty popular splash, even if you never use your monk abilities.

    Note that if the only thing uncentering you is using non-monk weapons (i.e., you're wearing robes, not using a shield, and only lightly encumbered), you retain your WIS AC bonus but lose other monk abilities. Prior to U14, a monk splash just for the WIS AC bonus & extra feat was pretty popular (e.g., the Exploiter); however with PRR, the new AC & Dodge systems, and new armors introduced in U14, the "pajama AC" approach is less popular because it's not as good defensively.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Ermin_Sivarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    Is this question for a toon your going to make or a toon you already have?

    I ask because if you are splashing monk for evasion only then you are probably better going rogue splash.
    If the toon is made and you find light armor more advantageous then by all means wear light.

    My acrobat had a monk splash (single) and cloth was the way to go early then I got her stoned to 16. Now the grind gap to get a decent enough AC is enough that I didn't bother and just threw on some named light armor for the effects and a slightly better AC.

    Not enough more AC to make virtually any difference in how often she gets hit so if I come across a robe/outfit in my travels that offers better effects I'll change back.
    Its a toon I already have who is 2 rogue/6th wizard dark elf. I was asking because I could manage to wear light armor with some enhancements boosts and spending a feat for lgiht armor...all of this expenditure, didn't wanna still have to look at an icon saying I'm uncentered.

    so my question was answered. I'd have evasion but wouldn't be centered.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ermin_Sivarch View Post
    Its a toon I already have who is 2 rogue/6th wizard dark elf. I was asking because I could manage to wear light armor with some enhancements boosts and spending a feat for lgiht armor...all of this expenditure, didn't wanna still have to look at an icon saying I'm uncentered.

    so my question was answered. I'd have evasion but wouldn't be centered.
    as a 2 rogue/6 wizard, you already have evasion. So I am confused as to why you wanted to splash in monk levels at all.

  10. #10
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ermin_Sivarch View Post
    Its a toon I already have who is 2 rogue/6th wizard dark elf. I was asking because I could manage to wear light armor with some enhancements boosts and spending a feat for lgiht armor...all of this expenditure, didn't wanna still have to look at an icon saying I'm uncentered.

    so my question was answered. I'd have evasion but wouldn't be centered.
    1. You can already wear light armor because of the rogue splash. You do not need to spend a feat. You can reduce the spell failure penalty by taking enhancements (Arcane Fluidity).

    2. There is really NO good reason to splash monk onto the character you have. If you've totally borked the build you use the free lesser reincarnate to fix your stats and make better feat choices. But, you aren't getting anything useful out of a monk splash on a 2 rogue/6 wizard build.

    3. The biggest thing to help wizards is to learn not to be where the fight is. Let the mobs beat on the other guys and then use your spells only when absolutely necessary. You bring all that muscle along with you, let it do the hard work.

    4. Sounds to me like you probably went Pale Master and discovered the Zombie form and are wondering about a Zombie monk. That's a great though -- but you should have those thoughts BEFORE you start the character and not a third of the way thru leveling. Just stick to being a rogue/wizard combo. You'll regret any monk level you take.

  11. #11
    Community Member Ermin_Sivarch's Avatar
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    the char is not a rogue/wiz. He's always been a monk/wiz. Now he's 2nd level monk/8th level wizard. I mispoke earlier when I said he was rogue/wiz

  12. #12
    Community Member Ermin_Sivarch's Avatar
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    part of the benefit of being a monk at all is the speed of attack. Being a zombie doesn't just take away from that speed, but also lowers it by 20%. Its not a good trade for double weapon damage. I believe that the higher level forms will be good with monk though, but they might not be. If they slow down the speed a monk naturally has, then they aren't as effective as I am hoping. What is good about zombie form is the self-healing.

    being able to self-regen by physical attacks is something to look forward to though, without a vampiric weapon.

  13. #13
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ermin_Sivarch View Post
    Its a toon I already have who is 2 rogue/6th wizard dark elf.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ermin_Sivarch View Post
    the char is not a rogue/wiz. He's always been a monk/wiz. Now he's 2nd level monk/8th level wizard. I mispoke earlier when I said he was rogue/wiz
    Color added for emphasis.

    Well, obviously a big difference.

    If already monk/wizard then leave it alone. No, you cannot wear light armor and remain centered -- all of what others have said in that regard is correct.

    Best thing is to just continue on as you are doing and finish your wizard levels.

  14. #14
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    There are some wiz 18 / monk 2 lich-based melee builds you might be interested in; waxy has one here.
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  15. #15
    The Hatchery Paleus's Avatar
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    You would also have to contend with the effects of arcane spell failure if putting on armor on a wiz/monk.
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    i'll be putting a bug into our system.

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