did what u say
rest stays same exept i added +10 royality bonus, and this point i will stop , i know possible get more bit more but i dont have enuff patience
used randomly generated +8 charismatic ring
anyway 2nd try
+ 18 base
+6 from leveling
+3 ench
+1 human ench
+2 completionist
+ 8 item
+1 exeptional
+3 insight
+1 lithany of the dead
+ 4 tome
+ 6 destiny
+ 2 feats
+3 twist of fate
+4 turn of the tide bard albility (apparently bug or wont stack with inspire exelence, so + 2)
+4 abishai destroyer
+2 yugo pot
+2 store pot
+3 house d pot
+2 inspire exelence
+2 ship buff
+1 echoes of the anchestors tier 3 bard ability
+10 royality bonus from shirady
86 total charisma