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  1. #1
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Epic destiny after TR system.

    In my opinion, after TRing I should not be forced to use my old ED. I TR'd my FVS into an arti without knowing this happens, and now I found out that im stuck with exalted angel 5 and unyielding 0. what am I going to do now? the only way to get something usefull is to get:
    sentinel 3
    grandmaster 3
    shadowdancer 5


    sentinel 3
    grandmaster 3
    dreadnaught 3
    shiradi 5

    I planned to go shiradi, but now it feels completely stupid to actually care about my epic destinies, since Ill start leveling the ones I actually care about only at level 25. when I will already TR again.

    I see no reason to restrict you to the ED you chose in your past life, even reset my ED's if you want, but let me choose something that doesnt make it stupid to even think about ED's.

    In addition, it seems that now theres a pattern for TR's from the ED system, according to life, you cant go something for the past life feat just becuase you will suck high level:

    Now, in next image, I have color coded the TR map:

    red - forced to TR to something, also have the longest ways to other classes.
    yellow - pretty much have 2 choices.
    green - have 3+ choices. can do whatever, and have the shortest routes.

    tl;dr for post:
    Dont force us to TR to specific classes.

    and to aynone saying: "work on other ED's on your past life, you really want me to be in barbarian ed in a healer toon. like come on.

  2. #2
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    I agree completely. This is one of my big complaints about the destiny system in general. I think the following changes need to be made to the destiny system:

    1) Players should be able to choose their first destiny with no restrictions, regardless of what class they currently are. The incentive to try different ones still exists, for fate points and twists, so this is not an "easy button"

    2) Everytime someone TRs, they should be able to choose which Destiny to start in, including destinies they have already started in and destinies they haven't unlocked yet (I don't know how this would work for previous EDs, since I don't know if one could switch to an old ED to make it active if you haven't gotten the ones next to it high enough to Un;lock it or not. That may be an issue).

    3) When players Cap a destiny, they should be able to funnel some portion (Anywhere from say 50% to 100%) of the XP they earn into a different unlocked destiny. I am adamant about this suggestion, because most classes/builds have only a small number of destinies that actually work well for them, while many other destinies give little and in some cases NO positive benefit. Having to abandon your "best" destiny just to kick around in some that barely do anything for you just to accumulate fate points isn't fun.

    4) Only tangentially related, but repetition penalties on quests need to rset once you hit the XP cap. Otherwise, earning destiny XP will be permenantly and irrevocably penalized for the rest of that characters life if you ever run a quest four or more times prior to capping.

    5) Obviously, bugfixes and reblanacing on some of the nonfunctional and less-than-ideal destiny bits, but that is sort of a given.

    6) It would be nice to link up exalted angel and shiradi into the arcane sphere somehow, as pure casters (Evoker cleric/fvs who start in Exalted Angel, Druids who start in Shiradi) probably don't want to have to wade through melee destinies just to eventually get to the other caster-ish destinies.

    7) I want a pony.

    8) Not really a point, but i feel i should point out you need 4 levels in a destiny in order to change spheres, so Exalted angel to Shiradi looks more like EA3 -> US4 -> GMoF3 -> LD4 -> Shiradi

    9) ???

    10) Profit!

  3. #3
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    They should have made the grid with an outer circle so that not everyone has to cross through the martial destinies. IE, Exalted <-> Draconic <-> Fury <-> Exalted. That way no one would have to start more than 2 steps away from their goal.

    Quote Originally Posted by YoureDown View Post
    even reset my ED's if you want
    No. Just no.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery DarkForte's Avatar
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    Your post makes no sense at all. You're NOT forced to use your old ED. You chose not to activate something in the Arcane sphere, and could have done fatesinger 4/shadowdancer 3.

    And about the barbarian ED on a 'healer', I've tried Fury of the Wild and Legendary Dreadnought on my FvS and they're both awesome. There are very few situations where an ED will add nothing to your character, as long as you know what you're doing.
    Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
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  5. #5
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brennie View Post
    I agree completely. This is one of my big complaints about the destiny system in general. I think the following changes need to be made to the destiny system:

    1) Players should be able to choose their first destiny with no restrictions, regardless of what class they currently are. The incentive to try different ones still exists, for fate points and twists, so this is not an "easy button"

    2) Everytime someone TRs, they should be able to choose which Destiny to start in, including destinies they have already started in and destinies they haven't unlocked yet (I don't know how this would work for previous EDs, since I don't know if one could switch to an old ED to make it active if you haven't gotten the ones next to it high enough to Un;lock it or not. That may be an issue).

    3) When players Cap a destiny, they should be able to funnel some portion (Anywhere from say 50% to 100%) of the XP they earn into a different unlocked destiny. I am adamant about this suggestion, because most classes/builds have only a small number of destinies that actually work well for them, while many other destinies give little and in some cases NO positive benefit. Having to abandon your "best" destiny just to kick around in some that barely do anything for you just to accumulate fate points isn't fun.

    4) Only tangentially related, but repetition penalties on quests need to rset once you hit the XP cap. Otherwise, earning destiny XP will be permenantly and irrevocably penalized for the rest of that characters life if you ever run a quest four or more times prior to capping.

    5) Obviously, bugfixes and reblanacing on some of the nonfunctional and less-than-ideal destiny bits, but that is sort of a given.

    6) It would be nice to link up exalted angel and shiradi into the arcane sphere somehow, as pure casters (Evoker cleric/fvs who start in Exalted Angel, Druids who start in Shiradi) probably don't want to have to wade through melee destinies just to eventually get to the other caster-ish destinies.

    7) I want a pony.

    8) Not really a point, but i feel i should point out you need 4 levels in a destiny in order to change spheres, so Exalted angel to Shiradi looks more like EA3 -> US4 -> GMoF3 -> LD4 -> Shiradi

    9) ???

    10) Profit!
    I can supply the pony if needed

    also, agreed 100%

    And the guy below me is correct DarkForte.
    Last edited by YoureDown; 09-21-2012 at 05:47 PM.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Dielzen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkForte View Post
    Your post makes no sense at all. You're NOT forced to use your old ED. You chose not to activate something in the Arcane sphere, and could have done fatesinger 4/shadowdancer 3.

    And about the barbarian ED on a 'healer', I've tried Fury of the Wild and Legendary Dreadnought on my FvS and they're both awesome. There are very few situations where an ED will add nothing to your character, as long as you know what you're doing.
    That bug was fixed, no more free-form ED selection after TRing, you're back to where you were.
    Playing (and dying) since Open Beta...

  7. #7
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoureDown View Post
    I can supply the pony if needed
    Thanks. i think I'm diabetic now.

  8. #8
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brennie View Post
    Thanks. i think I'm diabetic now.
    Heh. always here to serve.
    42 posts... I feel the urge to never post again. must... resist....
    Last edited by YoureDown; 09-21-2012 at 06:31 PM.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    If you TR and grind your way all the way back through another 20 levels, there is absolutely ZERO logical reason why you shouldn't be able to use the destiny for the class you've just finished leveling up in.

    You can take your key of destiny and stick it right into the portal of your choice, Turbine.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  10. #10
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    If you TR and grind your way all the way back through another 20 levels, there is absolutely ZERO logical reason why you shouldn't be able to use the destiny for the class you've just finished leveling up in.

    You can take your key of destiny and stick it right into the portal of your choice, Turbine.
    Even the key is useless here. 1k points to claim something adjacent. at least make it so it works on any ED. like, come on... let me enjoy the game, not grind for what I calculated would be about half a year to get to shiradi. I wanna TR before that.

  11. #11
    Community Member Pewf's Avatar
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    Edit: Nevermind; ;~;
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  12. #12
    2016, 2018 Player Council Member Ziindarax's Avatar
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    Looks like someone forgot to farm the destinies before TRing.

    If you're planning on TRing into a class that is radically different from the one you played prior to TRing, it is usually a good idea to get a few destinies leveled up (not quite maxed out, but at least sufficiently leveled that you have something you can start out with by the time you hit level 20).

    As it stands, I have ALL of the destinies unlocked, as well as the next three destinies that are likely to come out (1 divine, the Primal Avatar, and hopefully, the Artificer-oriented destiny if that ever comes out). So I am pretty much set.

    The easiest way to farm out those destinies - Epic Vault of Night (notably the third quest on normal - plenty of monsters, breakables, and optionals to kill - fantastic exp per run), and House of Rusted Blades. Those are the two quests that I most often see farmed, but there are others out there that make farming destiny experience a less-than-tedious experience.

    However... I do agree that it would be nice if Primal/Divine spheres have a link to the arcane sphere, as not everyone wants (nor thinks anything of it to) farm melee destinies to get to the arcane sphere, or any other sphere.
    Ziind Stargazer - Level 12 fighter/6 Barbarian/2 rogue Half-Orc (Neutral Good) - Formerly a level 20 Paladin Human - Orien

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  13. #13
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoureDown View Post
    I planned to go shiradi, but now it feels completely stupid to actually care about my epic destinies, since Ill start leveling the ones I actually care about only at level 25.
    You’ll care about them all eventually. Fate Points are tricky that way. (And there are plenty of useful higher tier twists for an artificer.) You start off thinking “Oh, I just need to cap my destiny”. Then you learn how you can twist stuff and start thinking “Oh, I just need to move my way around the map to pick up these abilities and enough fate points to twist them”. Finally, as you’re going thru the tree, you move onto “I want max fate points so I can customize my character between quests.”

    If you’re plotting a multi-TR character anyway then why not do the smart thing and knock out 2 destinies per incarnation? You only need to get to the 1.5 million mark to get everything you need out of a destiny. (Unless it’s your intended final destiny.) You can’t twist anything over a level 4 ability and capping a destiny doesn’t count towards your fate points. Also this will allow you to get first time completion/ bravery bonus XP multiple times on your way to getting the destinies/twists you want. Do it now or do it later, it’s choose your own grind.

    Lastly, E.D.s really aren’t that hard to farm out if you don’t apply the “Run the Shadow Crypt into the ground” mentality to your epic leveling. Run all your epic quests on Epic Hard and then Epic Normal and you will hit the level 25 cap quickly. Then you can turn lootruns into destiny farming.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

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