A wish to see Artificer hirelings. Pet or no pet.
A wish to see Artificer hirelings. Pet or no pet.
If you are playing, you agree with: http://www.turbine.com/en/content/du...ense-agreement and http://www.turbine.com/en/content/du...ode-conduct-en
Is this a Wishing thread?
A Wish for a TELL Button on the Guild Members list window.
A Wish for a Address Book for in game mail
A wish for /squelch account
Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.
Oooh a wishing thread.
Select player (click on name or F1-12) highlights that player on the map - same way as if you click blue circle on map. If they are out of range then the arrow at edge of map indicates their direction. Not finding people is why I hate playing my healer (OK one of the reasons).
When Anonymous, show my toon's name, class... to the PUG lead if I try to join a group. Don't have the request to join be anonymous. Obviously I am OK with him knowing who I am.
I wish I was a little bit taller...
I wish I was a baller...
I wish I had a girl, then I would call her...
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat, with a bat, and a 64 Impala...
I wish...
Its not a companion, nerf, or exploit fix. So probably not going to happen.
Gemdeath (Gimp Completionist)
Wolfclan Wharfrat Furios and others. Yes my grammer sucks