Enchant Weapon on an implement will give it another +1, thus +3 more spell power.
Enchant Weapon on an implement will give it another +1, thus +3 more spell power.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Got around to update it.
Got the Cormyrian Green Dragonscale Robe, switched it in. Using the +3 Insightful Cha trinket at the moment but it's not permanent. 10% SP discount is nice.
Also, lost Brace for Impact for Cocoon. It's awesome self-healing, even with a bit of a long cooldown (12 sec). This + scrolls + wing is a lot of survavibility, I'm liking it so far. Thou, I'm running around with only 100% fort at the moment. I see a crit every now and then and when they do happens, they hurt a lot.
I'm waiting for Update 17 anyway, will probably need to swap a bit of gear around when it comes. Let's hope it happens sooner rather than later.
Having used both earth and air savants extensively in end game content, I greatly prefer air. The dps from earth is too slow for my liking; I do not build my sorcerers to be the second best dps in any group. Although you don't get an AOE DOT with air, chain lightning is pretty awesome (and let us not forget that there is no acid DOT that stacks). Black dragon bolt is great, sure, but it is a non-stacking DOT.
If you do not have decent saves, forget about air - too much will evade and take either 0 damage or half.
As for people saying that too much is immune to electricity - I disagree. You will encounter just as many monsters that are immune to acid and ice. This is also why it is important to have a strong secondary element. Air savant enhancements also give bonuses to sonic spell power.
I personally would not invest all of those action points to get charisma 3 - I would put those points into enhancements for a secondary element. To each their own.
Air sav is just fun to play.. much faster than the rest in many ways.
With the upcoming GH, I'm gonna do a major rebuild of this. Mainly, I will probably get rid of Sorcerer Subtle Spellcasting II and put points into Force. I will try to fit in 3 Ench focuses feat (Dropping Extend, Sorc active PL and probably Great Charisma).
Charisma 3 is there to stay, DCs are the most important thing in this build to be viable, specially with the saves in High road and, as I heard, even more in eGH.
I was actually thinking to get 1-2 more from my Destiny, dropping Eburst to rank 1-2 but I don't think it's worth it. I will have to play in eGH a bit to decide further.
This is what I'm planning with my gear, copied from another thread:
Head: EE Helm of the blue dragon (+3 Insightful Cha)(Green:GFL, Yellow: +2 Insight con)
Necklace: EE Iron beads (Magnetism +120, Superior Lightning Lore) (Yellow: +7 STR/Con, Colorless: Globe of Imperial blood )
Trinket: Planar focus for the set most likely, stats will be redundant/Litany
Cloak: Ghost-Waking Cloak (+8 Cha, +7 Resistance, 15 DR/Evil, Ghostly)
Belt: Calitomes' Sash
Ring1: Calitomes' Ring (+6 Charisma, +1 Exceptional Dex, slotted with 20% Heal amp)
Boots: Kundarak Delving Boots
Gloves: GS +45 HP Gloves Mineral II (Heavy fort)
Bracers: Greater convalescence bracers of Superior Parrying (30% Heal amp, +4 stacking to saves)
Armor: Flawless blue dragonscale robe (Blue: 14 PRR )/Cormyrian Green Dragonscale Robe just for long fights
Goggles: GS +5 Cha skill with Concordant Opposition
Main Hand: Twilight, +120 Impulse, +120 Glaciation, +114 Fire in the red slot
Ring2: +8 Con random generated ring probably, might go with a exceptional Fort here.
Ring 2 swap: EE Ring of the Djinni (I have the normal one and I'm already in love with the EE version, 50 Elec resistance + 15 from Air savant + Energy Sheathe from Draconic + 33% Elec absorption from ring + GS Elec absorption item makes you immune to elec damage pratically).
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
This is what I did on my ice savant sorc. All enchantment focus feats and only tier 1 of energy burst and dragon breath. Mass Hold giving +50% damage helps offset DPS loss. Still thousands of points of damage. Solid Fog, Symbol of Death (neg levels), Waves of Exhaustion all help offset lower Evocation DCs in difficult content. I run with a base 50 Charisma, so you might do even better cause I think you have a slightly higher stat.
Last edited by Humperdink; 02-18-2013 at 02:23 PM.
Great thread, but I had a quick question, I'm sort of starting out, been playing the game off and on for quite a while but never really made it past lv6 for various reasons. So I'm starting a lv4 sorc, don't have an pl's or 32+ point builds yet but is your spell choice and such in this build fairly good for leveling? I know I gotta do things like get eloop asap and switch it out when I get air savant 2, etc. but for everything else in general is what I mean.
Also one of the spells in the list for the first level spells just says "spell", I'm assuming that just means pick any extra spell you want for that spot? I was thinking magic missile, at least for leveling since I don't get another single target spell for a while...not sure though.
I level up always as a fire savant with elec back up till lv20.
The two most important thing to do when you are a fire savant are:
Pick up Fireball and Wall of Fire as soon as you can. Then, pick up Displacement, Electric Eladar Surge, Chain Lightning and Delayed Blast Fireball. These are pratically the most used spells I use while leveling, including Haste and Rage.
Spell was meant to be Jump, fixed it.
Oh I see that would make more sense for endgame.
Hm fire savant? To reset my spells wouldn't I have to wait 3 days in between each 1 spell that I switch out? That seems like I'd have to wait like 9 days just to switch out those 3 fire spells, unless I'm missing something (probably am).
I'm going to be duo'ing with a friend + cleric hireling most likely all the way to 20 so I won't really be soloing.
Blood of Dragons is what you are looking for. It lets you swap spells freely for one hour, bypassing the standard timer.
I also level with my gf Rogue so not really an issue there. Make sure you learn to use Wall of Fire properly and Fireball in the right situations and you will have almost zero issues. Practice makes us better in both cases.
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
Finally came to update it.
My gear is updated. I updated my new set up in DI. Had to take 2 more ranks of Charisma, bringing the total to 50 and letting me sit to 55 Evocation DC at every time. It pretty much hits everything but the Rangers, of course. For those, a solid fog for +5 DC let you hit them pretty much every time. Couple that with Enervation scrolls and they become easy targets.
Skeletons (there are a looot of dangerous skeletons in EE GH) are dealt mostly with Prismatic Spray: a couple use of it will let you stone 1-2 skellies and one usually dies anyway. It's the safest method I found to deal with them. They hit really hard!
Updated also my spell list. Got rid of Wail of the Banshee: I have no meaningful DC to make it work and right now it's bugged, switched to PW:K and I like it so far. Got Cloudkill, not bad.
My HP also saw a bump with another +25, sitting at 617 hp unbuffed and 687 buffed. With a Bard, they go up to 700. Cocoon can heal me for ~500, just need to have a Devotion item in my hand (Twilight).
Here I soloed Madstone with this build. It worked pretty awesome.