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    Default Farwind: An Air savant Endgame EE DPS Build

    The main focus of this build is to use what sorcerers can do best: DPS. I will not focus on Necromancy and Enchantment schools because to do so I would need too many Past lives to break the SR of the Epic Elite mobs. Also, I would need too many Feats and I would have to sacrifice Feats that I'm not willing to sacrifice.

    Past lives:
    This build makes use of 3x Sorcerers Past Lives. It can be done without them but I highly suggest you to get them. 3 DC for your Evocation spells and 60 SP are awesome for those nasty EE mobs. If you have the Wizard PL, it's even better.

    Pure Human, Lv25, 36 points, True neutral:

    STR: 18 (9 base + 4 tome + 7 item) = 20 STR
    DEX: 21 (11 base + 4 tome + 6 item + 1 exceptional) = 22
    CON: 34 (18 base + 4 Tome + 1 Great Adaptability + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 2 Insight) = 34 CON (+12)
    INT: 12 (8 base + 4 tome) = 12 INT
    WIS: 18 (8 base + 4 Tome + 6 item) = 18 WIS
    CHA: 50 (18 Base + 6 level ups + 4 Tome + 4 Enhancements + 8 Item + 1 Exceptional + 3 Insight + 5 Destiny +1 Great Charisma) = 50 CHA (+20)

    As you can see I didn't put Litany of the Dead on purpose. I've been farming Abbot for a long time and it still eludes me. When and if you get a +5 tome, togheter with +1 from LotD, you will have 52 standing cha (+21 mod).

    4*20 = 100 HP
    34 con = 300 HP
    Toughness = 27 HP
    Racial Toughness III = 30 HP
    GS HP Item = 45 HP
    Greater False life = 30 HP
    Epic levels = 50 HP
    Draconic Vitality = 10 HP
    Toughness item = 20 HP
    617 unbuffed HP
    45 Yugo Pot
    25 +2 Con Shrine
    687 HP sustainable

    1: Maximize
    1: Toughness
    3: Empower
    6: Extend
    9: Spell focus: Evocation
    12: Heighten
    15: Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
    18: Past life: Sorcerer
    21: Epic Spell Focus: Evocation
    24: Greater Charisma

    Instead of PL: Sorcerer, you can put PL: Wizard there if you have it. +1 DC to every school is still awesome.

    Human Adaptability Charisma
    Human Greater Adaptability Constitution
    Imp Recovery I
    Improved Empowering II (Should be Maximizing II)
    Racial Toughness III
    Air Savant III
    Glacial SpellCasting I
    Deadly Ice I
    Frost Manipulation VII
    Charged SpellCasting VI
    Deadly Shocks VI
    Storm Manipulation VII
    Energy of the Dragonblooded II
    Sorcerer Subtle Spellcasting II
    Flame Manipulation I
    Sorcerer Charisma III
    Wand and Scroll Mastery II

    Electric 6/6/7
    Cold 1/1/7
    Force 0/0/1

    I wish I had more points to put some more in Force but I can't lose anything so I'm sticking with it. Very few mobs are immune to both Elec and Cold (Abbot and Death Knights comes to mind but the DK are found in only 1 quest) and for those there is Disintegrate (or run).


    Max UMD and Concentration.

    UMD: 11 Rank + 19 Modifier + 5 GS item cha skills +5 Epic levels + 4 GH + 2 Good luck= 46 sustainable UMD


    L1: Hypnotism, Jump, Protection from Evil, Nightshield
    L2: Blur, Knock, Web, Resist Energy
    L3: Haste, Rage, Displacement, Halt Undead
    L4: DDoor, Crushing Despair, Solid fog, Ice storm
    L5: Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Ball Lightning, Cloudkill
    L6: Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Otilukes
    L7: Primastic Spray, Protection from Elements: Mass, Finger of Death.
    L8: Polar Ray, Ottos, Greater Shout
    L9: Mass Hold Monster, PW: Kill, Enervation

    - CC spells: Greater shout, Web 40 DC (+ Solid fog), Electric loop SLA. Very awesome spells for CC, rarely fails with such a high Evocation DC.
    - Primastic Spray: I just love this spell. Flesh to stone, Death effects, Fear (in EE I'm revaluing Fear, when I'm overwhelmed its awesome), just gotta love it.

    Epic Destiny: Draconic Incarnation
    This is where things start to get a little bit tricky. There are many things useful in this destiny but I have to give up to some of them. The numbers before the ability means their Tier.

    1) Energy Sheathe: Electric - Rank 2
    1) Charisma 1
    2) Go out with a Bang - Rank 1
    2) Precise Evocation - Rank 2
    2) Charisma 1
    3) Blue Dragon Heritage - Rank 3
    3) Charisma 1
    4) Energy Burst - Rank 1
    4) Blue Dragon Spell Knowledge - Rank 3
    4) Charisma 1
    5) Blue Dragon Breath
    5) Charisma 1

    As you can see, there is no T6 ability. Fearsome Invulnerability and Draconic Hunger are meh at best. Whenever I tried to use FI, which is supposedly be the "nuke and tank everything" ability, I kept dying anyway and decided to let it go.

    EVortex was not bad actually. Thou, 2 things made me decide to not have it: 1) Centered on the caster, 2) Too long cooldown.

    Twists of Fate:
    • Rejuvenation Cocoon:Protect target ally with a shield of [90/120/150] temporary HP for 9 seconds. Heals 5d6 HP every 2 seconds while the shield persists. Very awesome for self-healing.
    • Evocation Specialist (Magister): + 3 Evo DC
    • Endless Faith (Exalted Angel): +10% Spell pool and Echoes restore up to 30 SP (free EBursts!)

    Evocation DC:
    10 base + 9 Heighten + 20 Modifier + 3 Epic Spell focus feat + 3 Major evocation bonus item + 3 Past lives + 5 from Destiny = 53 Evocation DC.

    With sustainable buffs:

    53 + 1 Ship buff + 1 Yugo Pot = 55 DC running most of the times. You can have many other buffs but those are not sustainable like these two.

    Another tricky point

    Head: EE Helm of the blue dragon (+3 Insightful Cha)(Green: +35 HP, Yellow: +2 Insight con)
    Necklace: EE Iron beads (Magnetism +120, Superior Lightning Lore) (Yellow: +7 STR, Colorless: +1 Ex CON / Globe of Imperial blood )
    Trinket: Planar focus of Erudition for the set / Litany
    Cloak: Ghost-Waking Cloak (+8 Cha, +7 Resistance, 15 DR/Evil, Ghostly)
    Belt: Calitomes' Sash
    Ring1: Calitomes' Ring (+6 Charisma, +1 Exceptional Dex, 20% Heal amp)
    Ring1 Swap: EE Ring of the Djinni
    Boots: Kundarak Delving Boots
    Gloves: GS +45 HP Gloves Mineral II (Heavy fort)
    Bracers: Greater convalescence bracers of Superior Parrying (30% Heal amp, +4 stacking to saves)
    Armor: Flawless blue dragonscale robe (Blue: 14 PRR )/Cormyrian Green Dragonscale Robe just for long fights
    Goggles: GS +5 Cha skill with Concordant Opposition
    Ring2: +8 Con ring
    Main Hand: Twilight, +120 Impulse, +120 Glaciation, +114 Devotion in the red slot

    Different set weapons:

    Main Hand: 10/15/20% Electric/Fire/Cold/Acid Absorption Scepter
    Off Hand: 10/20/30% Heal amp Scepter

    Now, as you can see, I'm missing a few things from this setup:

    - +3 Insight Con item: No idea where to put it at the moment, I'm still coming up with something. I might not add it at all, sitting at 617 HP without buffs.

    Spell Power and Spell Pool:
    Everything is counted with Superior Potions bought in House Jorasco, giving 25 Alchemical Spell Power (5 more than Shavarath belts).

    Electric: 308
    Cold: 275
    Sonic: 208
    Force: 178

    I have 4006 SP with just Ship buffs, more than enough for every quest in game at the moment and happy with it.


    I'm really enjoying the DPS and survavibility of this build. I had to get rid of EBurst Rank 3 for more Charisma. Rank 1 is fine as well thou I liked the 3/3: I liked big numbers.

    Whenever I'm in trouble, Wind Dance and a heal Scroll healing me for 300+ are great and the knockdown immunity is just something that I can't give up. I really hated when, with no savants avaible, every Cometfall or Trip made me fall on the ground forever, basically meaning Death.
    Last edited by Tid12; 04-15-2013 at 06:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Why Air? Most EE guild/channel Sorcs that have really wowed me since MotU are Earth now for a variety of reasons. The only Air Savant that I regularly run with seems to have to rely on other spells more than seems fun.

    I liked Earth before MotU. I like it even more now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Why Air? Most EE guild/channel Sorcs that have really wowed me since MotU are Earth now for a variety of reasons. The only Air Savant that I regularly run with seems to have to rely on other spells more than seems fun.

    I liked Earth before MotU. I like it even more now.
    Because I don't like Earth's DPS, simple as that It is too slow and BDB isn't so powerful (I don't like the fact that it's a ray spell either) to justify the CL penalty on EES.

    Also, I love knockdown Immunity and Wind dance, two solid reasons to stay Air. Couldn't live without KD immunity.

    EDIT: I'm not saying Earth isn't strong but I don't like it personally.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Because I don't like Earth's DPS, simple as that It is too slow and BDB isn't so powerful (I don't like the fact that it's a ray spell either) to justify the CL penalty on EES.

    Also, I love knockdown Immunity and Wind dance, two solid reasons to stay Air. Couldn't live without KD immunity.

    EDIT: I'm not saying Earth isn't strong but I don't like it personally.
    EES doesn't have much use in MOTU content generally. A hell of a lot of mobs are immune.

    Most Air Savants I've seen lately that have stayed Air (for the KD immunity and wings) invest heavily into fire/force and go Shiradi, spamming Meteor Swarm, Chain Missiles and Magic Missiles for the silliness you get there. They actually don't seem to rely on lightning spells much at all as there's a fair bit of immunity, resistance and (especially in Druid's Curse chain) a lot of 50% elec absorb.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    EES doesn't have much use in MOTU content generally. A hell of a lot of mobs are immune.

    Most Air Savants I've seen lately that have stayed Air (for the KD immunity and wings) invest heavily into fire/force and go Shiradi, spamming Meteor Swarm, Chain Missiles and Magic Missiles for the silliness you get there. They actually don't seem to rely on lightning spells much at all as there's a fair bit of immunity, resistance and (especially in Druid's Curse chain) a lot of 50% elec absorb.
    The new chain has wisps that are resistant to everything. That's why I have Meteor Swarm for them, weak to Force.

    The only bosses immune to Elec are the Glabrezu and the Goristro IIRC. Both soloed on EE with NBC, Ice storm, Polar and Otilukes. I really see no point in why people shouldn't use Elec Spells really.

    Dretches go out easily with a couple Otilukes.

    About Shiradi's: Was fun to use it while leveling but I'm not relying on it for DPS. EBurst easily does far more damage than all those low chance procs. And Shiradi's haven't the +30 SP, +3 MCL of DI.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery teh_meh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Most Air Savants I've seen lately that have stayed Air (for the KD immunity and wings) invest heavily into fire/force and go Shiradi, spamming Meteor Swarm, Chain Missiles and Magic Missiles for the silliness you get there.
    Silliness? Finally getting to clicking Tid's sig link and have to comment. Since we're talking EE builds here, I'll just tell you that my wiz (Pot) is a Super AM Evo/Ench with 7/1/1 across all 5 elements and pretty much all the gear and now tomes (thanks Tid!!!). The absolute key to it is the AM Evo SLAs (a second MM and second chain missle)

    If I get Joy of the Queen proc'd, there simply is no need for any guide/strategy. Destroy everything in your path solo or outkill everyone in your party 10:1. Have dozens and dozens of humiliating screenshots I've banked over the past couple of months. Outkilled one server db 154 to 3 in a citw. Without Joy of the Queen, you just throw more ENCH into the mix for helpless damage. It's slower/more SP but almost as effective But under neither scenario, is there anything silly about a Prismatic beam instantly vaporizing an orange or knocking a red prone for 6 seconds.

    People are totally asleep on this build and I love it that way. So in a way, the 'silliness' comments are helpful.

    PS. Love the build Tid. If I see another water sorc out there I will throw up.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Because I don't like Earth's DPS, simple as that It is too slow and BDB isn't so powerful (I don't like the fact that it's a ray spell either) to justify the CL penalty on EES.

    Also, I love knockdown Immunity and Wind dance, two solid reasons to stay Air. Couldn't live without KD immunity.

    EDIT: I'm not saying Earth isn't strong but I don't like it personally.
    I chose you pick-achoo, air is the one for me too. That knockdown immunity is soooo key to actually staying alive.

  8. #8
    Community Member Hathorian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Why Air? Most EE guild/channel Sorcs that have really wowed me since MotU are Earth now for a variety of reasons. The only Air Savant that I regularly run with seems to have to rely on other spells more than seems fun.

    I liked Earth before MotU. I like it even more now.
    How are you supposed to nuke with an Earth Savant? lol. They don't have any nuking spells unless you count max level 10 acid blast which is great up until you hit level 12 or so.

  9. #9
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    I still am air savant. It is by far the best for dps. Chain lightning and ball of lightning do massive aoe damage. It is not as powerful single target as water but it stills does a good job with that. Most people shy away from air because they lack the ability to play human sorcs.They need WF to survive with their recon spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    EES doesn't have much use in MOTU content generally. A hell of a lot of mobs are immune.

    Most Air Savants I've seen lately that have stayed Air (for the KD immunity and wings) invest heavily into fire/force and go Shiradi, spamming Meteor Swarm, Chain Missiles and Magic Missiles for the silliness you get there. They actually don't seem to rely on lightning spells much at all as there's a fair bit of immunity, resistance and (especially in Druid's Curse chain) a lot of 50% elec absorb.

    There is not that much immune to lightning in the new areas, except for the dretch, glabrezu, wisp, the red zombie, and vine horror. For those you just instakill or Otilukes freezing sphere takes right care of them.

    And the 50% elec absord does not mean that much because your nuking power stills kills them with one or two spells anyway. Instead of super overkill you have just regular overkill. WOW.

    Your build seems pretty solid, I went the necro route, love instakilling things. Just curious why you would not have any spell pen feats? You don't use irresistible or dancing balls? It says you have the spell but you need a really good spell pen to get through on EE. Can't always rely on strictly nuking. I find that web does not really work that well on EE. I have a dc 40, 41 with diab robe, and they just walk right through it all the time. I would switch out the PL sorc and the extend for spell pen and greater spell pen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    About Shiradi's: Was fun to use it while leveling but I'm not relying on it for DPS. EBurst easily does far more damage than all those low chance procs. And Shiradi's haven't the +30 SP, +3 MCL of DI.
    I agree, EBurst is a beast of a spell. Sure does take care of those 50% elec absorb mobs.
    Last edited by muny21; 09-21-2012 at 08:17 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by muny21 View Post
    Your build seems pretty solid, I went the necro route, love instakilling things. Just curious why you would not have any spell pen feats? You don't use irresistible or dancing balls? It says you have the spell but you need a really good spell pen to get through on EE. Can't always rely on strictly nuking. I find that web does not really work that well on EE. I have a dc 40, 41 with diab robe, and they just walk right through it all the time. I would switch out the PL sorc and the extend for spell pen and greater spell pen.
    Reason is that I haven't the room for Spell Pen Feats/Twists. I REALLY would love to have 4 more feats for the Spell Pen line but I don't.

    You are right, I have Ottos but it is for selected enemies: Orange Named Dire bears, Orange named Druids (both no SR), Orange Hezrous (requires a few tries but it's doable with 27 Spell Pen) and Driders. I don't even dare to Ottos drows in EE because they would require too much work.

    If there are too many Driders, Prismatic Spray will do work. 1 Feared, 1 will die, 1 will turn to stone, 1 will be stunned with ELoop for 4 SP.

    I have thought about swapping PL: Sorc for Spell Pen but 2 more does pretty much nothing. Extend is there to stay, I love 5m displacement, haste and 7min rage.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    I don't even dare to Ottos drows in EE because they would require too much work.
    Just curious, how do you cc them? I guess you can run around like a mad man and nuke without cc them but they do hit really hard and those casters are not very nice.

    I have a spell pen of 44 so my disco and otto goes off almost 100%

    Another thing, about your equipment, I would change the bracers and the torc for the war wizard to get the battle arcanist set bonus with the spidersilk robe. With over 4k sp, how many times do you really need to torc or con-opp up? I hardly run out of sp in any quest. The -10% from that set essentially gives you 4400 sp. Plus, the bracers and the necklace together give you same sp bonus as con-opp from gs. Win, win.
    Last edited by muny21; 09-21-2012 at 08:31 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by muny21 View Post
    Just curious, how do you cc them? I guess you can run around like a mad man and nuke without cc them but they do hit really hard and those casters are not very nice.

    I have a spell pen of 44 so my disco and otto goes off almost 100%

    Another thing, about your equipment, I would change the bracers and the torc for the war wizard to get the battle arcanist set bonus with the spidersilk robe. With over 4k sp, how many times do you really need to torc or con-opp up? I hardly run out of sp in any quest. The -10% from that set essentially gives you 4400 sp. Plus, the bracers and the necklace together give you same sp bonus as con-opp from gs. Win, win.
    Melee drows have low will/reflex saves. ELoop will usually stun all of them. If one saves, I can take him alone with displacement and good moving. Casters have low fort saves generally, Greater shout for them. The main objective is always to have not more than 3 mobs aggroed on you. With 54 DC they hardly saves.

    If I run somewhere with 3+ mobs, and knowing the quests now happens rarely, Primastic Spray will take care of at least 2 of them usually, ELoop the melees.

    The torc is there because there isn't a better necklace at the moment, not because I need it.

    The bracers: 3% dodge, Superior Lightning lore, Blurry, 2 slots (+1 exc cha included). Hard to give up to all those things. Sup Light lore in a static slot is fantastic imho. There are sometimes, mainly when I solo, that my main set is Heal Scroll + Heal amp scepter so can't have SLL in the scepter (putting my Gr Evo focus somewhere else).

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by muny21 View Post
    Just curious, how do you cc them? I guess you can run around like a mad man and nuke without cc them but they do hit really hard and those casters are not very nice.

    I have a spell pen of 44 so my disco and otto goes off almost 100%

    Another thing, about your equipment, I would change the bracers and the torc for the war wizard to get the battle arcanist set bonus with the spidersilk robe. With over 4k sp, how many times do you really need to torc or con-opp up? I hardly run out of sp in any quest. The -10% from that set essentially gives you 4400 sp. Plus, the bracers and the necklace together give you same sp bonus as con-opp from gs. Win, win.
    Either that or go for the green scale robe. Mix and match some other stuff.

    And ya with the ED's now dc's and spell pen are just available in spades. Literally droves. Hell even if you couldn't reliably dance the drow, theirs web. The no pen needed CC.

    As far as air goes, I mean I hate those **** cats as much as anyone. But it doesn't stop me from liquidating them all, or locking em down. Personally I think air could use a great great many more spells, but that's just me.
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  14. #14
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    Finally got my hands on the +6 Magnetism Scepter of Evocation Mastery (+3 dc to EVO Spells).

    Now I'm just missing a +4 CHA tome to have that 54 EVO DC on all of my spells. I'll probably re-do my enhancements when I get it as I kinda want another tier of Heal Amplification. It costs 4 points and I'm not really sure I can get those 4 somewhere else.

    Might get 2 from Subtle spellcasting II but still missing 2. How complicated, might just stay this way.

  15. #15
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    Well dont listen to ppl sayin about how useless Air Savants are...seriously are there air savants who play with fire spells?? bleh..

    Anyway..just few tips from me

    About spells first...dooood dump nightshield and get shield, nightshield's resistance is already covered from envenomed cloak and shield also grants 10% dmg reduction from glancing blows. Also get jump and expeditious they're like the most usefull spells for kiting around. Halt undead can also be scrolled so no need to fill a slot with that.

    About L7 spells. Seriously get ottos with a DC of 40+ u can have a form of CC, not in EEs but in lower diff quests, also get FOD! You will always need to instakill something and banshee is not the only option, plus thats why energy drain is for, to make ur fod accurate.

    I do recommend symbol of death too instead of shout...really shout is for bards not sorcs

    Aaaand last thing...dooood get PWK u never know when u have to kill that mob in no time. PWK is a must-have spell and if u want a fire spell get good old FW

    About twists...dump that fort thing and get the best twist around for sorc...shiradi's fey form for +15 spell powah!

    Besides that i like your build although i still believe that a WF air savant is the best savant...i got addicted to mine although i was going for a quick sorc PL :P
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  16. #16
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    As stated in the title, this is an EE build. Not EH or EN.

    About spells first...dooood dump nightshield and get shield, nightshield's resistance is already covered from envenomed cloak and shield also grants 10% dmg reduction from glancing blows. Also get jump and expeditious they're like the most usefull spells for kiting around. Halt undead can also be scrolled so no need to fill a slot with that.
    Nothing better than Halt undead there imho.
    Nightshield is for magic missile. What's this thing about 10% dmg reduction from glancing blows? Never heard of it.
    Jump is already there, expeditious retreat meh, I just cast haste, it's better than ER.

    About L7 spells. Seriously get ottos with a DC of 40+ u can have a form of CC, not in EEs but in lower diff quests, also get FOD! You will always need to instakill something and banshee is not the only option, plus thats why energy drain is for, to make ur fod accurate.

    I do recommend symbol of death too instead of shout...really shout is for bards not sorcs
    Not playing lower difficulties.
    Shout is awesome to have CC. It's a save on Fortitude and it's an evo Spell.
    FoD, yeah I miss it sometimes but low necro DC and low Spell Resistance make it almost useless in EE.

    Aaaand last thing...dooood get PWK u never know when u have to kill that mob in no time. PWK is a must-have spell and if u want a fire spell get good old FW
    Same as FOD, low Spell resistance and low necro for EE mobs

    About twists...dump that fort thing and get the best twist around for sorc...shiradi's fey form for +15 spell powah!

    Besides that i like your build although i still believe that a WF air savant is the best savant...i got addicted to mine although i was going for a quick sorc PL :P
    Fort is kinda mandatory. I'd like to dump it but can't slot 40% fort anywhere else so it stays for the moment. I wish I could get rid of it thou.

  17. #17
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    Ye shiield protects from magic missiles too and grants also 10% dmg reduction on glancing blows, that doesnt show on spell description but only when u cast it u can see full description on it.

    Btw still PWK can be usefull on EEs...not all mobs have spell resistance and its a non-save spell

    About the halt undead...the scroll is the same as the spell thats why i said it fills a slot unnecessarily

    Fort is mandatory indeed but still 100% fort with displacment is enough imo...and its just worth to get fey form

    if u only use this toon on EEs then ye dont take ottos and fod..i just added those to cover all the areas
    Gorlacon 6th life BF Assassin ~ Gyristroula 6th life Human Disciple of Light ~ Reepz 5th life PDK Kensei ~ Gorlaxz 5th life BF Pala

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    [*]Brace for Impact, 40% fort (Unyielding Sentinel): kinda mandatory for EEs. 140% Fortification means you are immune to most of the crits from trash. I really wish to get rid of this (and slot the extra fort in my equipment) but at the moment I see no way of doing so.
    Mobs bypass fort at a certain percentage no matter the actual number of fort afaik. Wouldn't twist this at a high priority.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by spectroum View Post
    Ye shiield protects from magic missiles too and grants also 10% dmg reduction on glancing blows, that doesnt show on spell description but only when u cast it u can see full description on it.

    Btw still PWK can be usefull on EEs...not all mobs have spell resistance and its a non-save spell

    About the halt undead...the scroll is the same as the spell thats why i said it fills a slot unnecessarily

    Fort is mandatory indeed but still 100% fort with displacment is enough imo...and its just worth to get fey form

    if u only use this toon on EEs then ye dont take ottos and fod..i just added those to cover all the areas
    I'll slot shield then, nice to know.

    PWK has a too long cooldown for me and I don't miss it too much. Where would I use it? There is nothing that comes in my mind in EE that has to be killed right away and hasn't SR.

    About fort, see below.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alkot View Post
    Mobs bypass fort at a certain percentage no matter the actual number of fort afaik. Wouldn't twist this at a high priority.
    No, mobs bypass fort = their CR.

    140% Fort makes you immune to most crit from trash. Only the Matron in EE Rusted Blades and I think some other boss can bypass 140% fortification. And I know because, when MotU came out, mobs were critting me a lot for 200 damage + Sneak attack. Since I have twisted Brace for Impact, I have never seen a crit anymore so yeah, this is a high priority to me.

    Much higher survavibility is much better than 15 Spell Power imho.

  20. #20
    Community Member BladeTricks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I love your attitude, not settling for steamrolling EH content. I'm gonna need to apply some of that to my sorcs when they get to epics again. +1
    ~ Crate & Barrel Smashing, LLC ~
    ~Hydrode~ Sorc18/Pal2/Epic5 - Oaked FvS20/Epic5 - ~Guttts~ Bbn 5

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