Yeah, It doesn't look like what I see in my mind's eye when I envision D7D Combat. DDO nails that much better.
Maybe it's just 4th edition stupidity, not sure.
I mean if the game is fun and the content creator is awesome it could be good, but it looks like more cookie-cutter dung.
What I love about DDO is the Flexibility. In NWO you can't even switch between S&B and THFing. That's just ********.
Who is to say we don't get DDO 2 a year or so after the release of 5th ed. then?
Always thought the most hated was Darksun, what with all the **** I got when I was running my TT games back in the day, but what do I know.NWO will almost certainly capture these masses of missed opportunities turbine let slip through the fingers with the choice to make eberron, one of the most disliked settings in D&D history its main setting.
Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh
That was my main issue with 4e mechanics-wise. On the whole it was a much more balanced edition than 3rd ed., or any other edition before it, but with that came cookie cutter characters on a mechanical level.
As a DM mostly, that was quite easy to deal with, as a player it seemed boring.
Nyess Malwyss Daireann Tylesia Shideh
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
I can understand seeing these new types of attacks... like stabbing motions, to be weird. I mean, with all weapons in DDO, none of them stab.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
Been beta testing Neverwinter and so far Im disappointed. With what I've seen so far I would buy a lifetime sub to WoW before spending any money on it. To give you an idea of how insulting that is... I've played WoW a couple of times and never played for more than a couple of hours.
That's a lie... as they haven't even started beta testing.
I will say that 4th Edition is not 3rd Edition like DDO is based on. The differences are miles apart. The only likeness is lore.
4th edition, classes pretty much defined role... which sort of sucks. But there are more to come. So far they have only shown a few, and it is in their best interest to test game mechanics with the basics of the roles players take.
Last edited by Musouka; 12-30-2012 at 09:57 PM.
Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server
Dude, you just lied. Why lie? Facts should dictate why folks choose to check out the game or not. Players make decisions by reading the forums. Don't waste their time.
Beta has not started yet. NWO will live or die based on whether people enjoy the game or not. Just as they did and still do with DDO.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
No Drama. Cameraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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And two hand fighting with a great axe looks really dodgy. Personally I can't have a Great axe user because I detest the animation so much. Falcions ftw
I'll be giving this NWN a go for sure. Its easy to criticise it when comparing to a 6-7 year old game that has had time to be molded. Ill just want to see if it's fun to start with then I'll give it 6 years like I have with DDO, we could compare the current DDO now with the NW then... that would be the only fair comparison.
Well picked up the PC gamer signed up for beta and been reading the fourms I know Leslie likes what he/she has seen but for me the more I am seeing and reading the less I am likeing the game but then I hate 4E so much that I would rather play nothing than that(pnp that is) The game is sounding to arcade like to me. I will give the beta a try when its my turn but not expecting to stay with it
Beware the Sleepeater
Cool. You get props for giving it a shot Uska!
Ya know I said the exact same thing as you did about DDO, and this has turned into my main fantasy entertainment since 2006. I, like you, have long said I cant stand 4e. I still say that. I (and I assume you) was playing before all these dang books taught the kiddies how to roll it!
It all depends how much change we are willing to accept. I'm sure we can agree that both of these games takes (and will continue to take) liberties on the official 3.5 and 4e rules. It comes down to a very combat centric, computer D&D experience. Who will have more lore, be more fun to play, will be up to us all.
But Neverwinter, like DDO, will fail to be a faithful reproduction of D&D. Nothing beats old school tabletop pnp to many of us that have grown up playing the real thing. When it's your turn, hit me up, and we'll give it an honest stroll thru if you'd like.
(Hey - its got to be better than Daggerdale!! ;D)
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
No Drama. Cameraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | GHALLANDA GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Well I have pretty much given up on pnp dnd altogether now I prefer the new hackmaster it has a real original dnd feel to me and hopefully I will be moving near their base of operations soon![]()
and I will let yoiu know when its my turn who knows maybe you can cure my doubts.
Beware the Sleepeater
I fully expected NWN to have more WOWish combat, because the redesign of 4e had heavy influence from the MMO era of gamer where basic - 3e did not.
The build your own quest aspect of this game is going to show the MMO world that player built content is not something to shy away from. Each time we have seen those threads on the forums here, there are a plethora of reasons why people do not want it, but NWN proved those reasons wrong in its PW hayday, and it will again in its MMO hayday.
If there is an answer for the developers not being able to keep content development on pace with player advancement, it is allowing the players to create their own content. If there is an answer for being able to enjoy the game and avoid the stale grind of an MMO, player generated content is that answer.
If they have 200 groups of players trying to release new content every other month (6x per year), and even 1/4 of them are good, this results in 25 good modules a month. There were far more than that creating ENTIRE WORLDS in NWN1 and many of those experienced world creators are already wanting to get back to work in this new incarnation.
If they do this correctly, the game never gets stale, and players dont take these long breaks between updates waiting for the new stuff to come out.