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I do agree with you on most things. However, from an active guild of about 30 or so players, only about 8 regularly play anymore. A big turn off for most was over the past year. They streamlined levelling. They allow the purchase of TP within the game with their TP codes. There used to be a huge stance against selling stuff from the DDO store in-game. The power creep introduced new items and crafting to be able to tackle the content from 1-20 much easier. Sure, I can create my own challenge, but I can't do it in a pug, and creating my own challenge really limits the social aspect of the game. There is no fear of failing certain raids on elite anymore, like VoD, ToD, HoX. They practically removed the timer from raids by selling a bypass. So 20 completions on normal = 1-2 days. Epic Destinies were huge on the power creep. Even the newer content isn't that hard. Sure you can do EE, but then like I wrote before, it drastically limits the social aspect.
You are completely right, DDO is going nowhere. Their last gasp was MotU, which just brought a whole swath of issues. They aren't exactly that quick with putting out updates, and when they do they generally break so many things that it seems to be a running joke to guess which major feature will be broken with the next update. I certainly hope you're right when you say Turbine will reinvent itself, because the path it is going down now doesn't seem to hint that. They reinvented themselves with MotU, which brought a lot of fun in the game, but it didn't bring a lot of life to the game. The advent of more f2p or even b2p games over the last year is attracting the casual players away from DDO.
I remember when DDO went f2p, and it was one of the only f2p games worth playing that you couldn't just buy "I-win" gear from their cash shop. It's not that way anymore. Tomes being the biggest factor. The modifier bonuses you can get from your stats are huge in this game, especially a couple points into your saves, and DCs. The amount of clickies in the game removes class balance. A barbarian can have a displacement click, a haste click, summon monster click, rage spell click, etc... Why does he need to party with a class with those buffs? Wizards can pretty much power through all of the content with a partner or solo. A group of 5 barbarians and 1 cleric can smash through most of the game. Even then, you don't really need the cleric. The class balance is gone.
What's the next year going to bring to DDO? +9 or +10 enhancement bonuses to stats on items, 5d6 extra damage from various sources on weapons, 75% incorporeal? I know they're revamping epic augments and regular item augments, but that's just going to add more power to the newer players, and they wont balance the content to their new mechanics. Then we'll get some raid that is buggy as hell, drops mediocre rewards, and only a few classes really benefit from the new loots.
The only reason I do come into DDO is to socialize with the 8 players in my guild, and maybe 1 or 2 friends that are still playing. I don't come online to play or grind anymore. At least you admit they do need a drastic change like reinventing themselves again.