Do we see the time here?
Or are you just a Turbine suck up?
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE®: Eberron Unlimited™ Forums > Free Discussion Forums > General DDO Discussion
is the launcher having issues?
09-20-2012, 07:52 PM
And Please Every one feel free to Cry about any post I make the hurts your little feelings.
And use the great power you have on handing out Negative Reputation when some one post the truth and makes you feel bad for the Money Grabbers.
Last edited by Rip-V-Winkle; 09-21-2012 at 08:16 PM.
If a paid service (not just forums) is available 24 hours, I would hope that someone was available 24 hours if something drastic happens. Something wrong with the launcher (i.e. people can't access the service) is something drastic.
Ad Hominem attacks = you have no logical argument. Why don't you just choose saying nothing as it doesn't look as bad...Some people will throw a temper tantrum like a 3 yr old child over nothing.
Emm.. Hen, if this is about bad network connections last night... I hate to say this, but the first post was about 6:45 pm cst.
Per my time, Jerry responded with they were resolved at 9:46 pm, cst. That's 3 hours.
Now mind you, 3 hours is a faster response than my ISP during working hours.
Next issue with the OP. Ok, lets say they post the forums are having issues. Fat lot of good that is going to do for the people who can't get to the forums. That is the same as sending out a mass email that the email server is down.
Post on facesplat? yeah, that will reach a lot of players. BLEH.
No, Turbine handled last night just fine, in my opinion.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 09-21-2012 at 09:11 PM.
Community Member
I'm certainly not above throwing a fit if I can't get my fix, but all-in-all I think turbine is pretty decent when it comes to this stuff.
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Be Chill, have fun
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The Hatchery
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The Hatchery
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Truth is a 3 edged sword.
Your side, their side, and the ban hammma!
*munches popcorn while watching the meltdown*
hey Rip, raging like that is not going to help you or anybody else. All it will do is get you a lot of bad rep. The problem is fixed, be happy with that.
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Three hours for a response? I wish half the idiot organizations I have to deal with on a regular basis had this fast a response time. I think you need to step away from the game and take a break. Clearly you are getting too emotional over all of this.
Also I agree with others on your formatting. It stinks as much as the content.
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