After the latest fixes of masters blitz and a fvs guildy who rocked in the fire arena challenge I tried masters blitz again. But somehow it doesnt work for me. I tested it on a fighter/monk with wraps first (lvl 25 and lvl 25 challenge). I charged it up 3 times. First 2 times i didnt get any stacks at all for killing stuff, i managed to get 1 stack at the last attempt (Killed several monsters each time within the first 15 seconds of course), but then again no further stacks for any kills.
Assuming it might be a wraps problem, i tested the same thing on my stalwart with an eAGA. Similar results, though slightly better, highest stack after killing 25 enemies in a row was 5. Charged the moment 4 times here, 2 times no stacks at all, 1 times i got 1 stack, 1 times up to the mentioned 5. Guildy suggest to reset the dreadnought tree, i did that, no change in the results.
In addition to that during my best streak up to 5 stacks i saw interesting counters like:
So any ideas for a workaround? (I know the 'Drop it and spend the points on something else' option already )
- 2 stacks and 20 seconds timer
- dropping from 3 stacks down to 2 stacks and straight to 6 seconds timer