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  1. #21
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.T View Post
    Just forgetting THE weapon that made me create a Dex based guy. =)

    Here it is:

    Envenomed Blade and Epic Envenomed Blade

    Ty for helping, ppl!

    Treason as well. Upgraded, it's Armor piercing 15% and carries deception. I know deception and improved deception seem to double up a bit on effect, I wonder if Armor piercing 10% (from Envenomed blade) and Armor Piercing 15% might do something similar?

    Also, with rumors about Gianthold going epic soon, and Epic Treason might also fit your bill, while carrying enough differences to complement the Envenomed Blade, Midnight Greetings, or others.

    Oh, and to the guys questioning the idea of a DEX rogue... With weapons like Treason and Envenomed Blade, it becomes possible to essentially invest in only two attributes on a character--like a Barbarian with STR and CON--except--in the case of a Rogue, you're now using the same attribute for Attack/Damage/Evasion/Armor Class/a few rogue skills instead of--on a Barbarian--only using STR for Attack/Damage. With a rogue, this might even make for even greater DPS if he can mitigate his aggro because he can get his primary damage producing attribute about as high without a time limit and stack sneak attack damage on with it all while having the possibility of a reasonable defense as well.

    Throw crippling strike and opportunist feats in there and you're just raising how fast you can do damage and--on things you're not killing in one or two hits--peeling back enemy's chance to do you damage as well without needing specific weapons to do so.

    If he can find a way to throw a high dodge boost in there, a 20% or better blur item, and other "instant, no damage at all, miss chances", he might just have an interesting and very survivable character.

    At least until he gets held or otherwise helpless. *grin*
    Last edited by Todkaninchen; 09-22-2012 at 02:55 PM.

  2. #22
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.T View Post

    Envenomed Blade and Epic Envenomed Blade

    Ty for helping, ppl!
    Oh yeah, forgot its Str or Dex. I use it off hand sometimes on my rogue. Its interesting, but I really want something that's going to boost my damage. Which means enabling sneak attack more than anything else. So radiance, greater sirocco, or the like.

    The paralyzing is nice for CC, but since it doesn't enable sneak attacks its not a primary weapon IMHO.

  3. #23
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    Oh yeah, forgot its Str or Dex. I use it off hand sometimes on my rogue. Its interesting, but I really want something that's going to boost my damage. Which means enabling sneak attack more than anything else. So radiance, greater sirocco, or the like.

    The paralyzing is nice for CC, but since it doesn't enable sneak attacks its not a primary weapon IMHO.
    A Treason in one hand, a Envenomed blade in the other, and an improved deception item would probably help. You get reduced melee threat (Treason) that's supposed to stack, 2 chances (deception and improved deception) to pop bluff on the target for free, and 15% or more reduction in enemy fortification letting you--when you do pop sneak attacks--have a decent chance of getting the damage to stick. (Assuming you took precision and opportunist, you should be reducing their fortification by about 50% if everything additively stacks.) For some mobs, you might also end up with trashing their STR (crippling strike) and/or CON (poison on envenomed blade).

    Consider something with Earthgrab Guard (Green Steel or Rock Boots) or Freezing Ice Guard (Green Steel, a few others) as well for a low rate (about 4-5%) proc rate of conditions that create the helpless condition as well and aren't weapon dependent.

    Alternatively, a Radiance II rapier with weapon finesse and improved critical: piercing--even without doing much damage itself--could also set up blindness condition 30% of the time to complement a DEX-driven blade for the added 20+ damage per regular hit or 30+ in a helpless condition plus another 50 or sneak attack damage per hit (with the 50% damage boost from blinded). Connecting with it would be an issue though...

  4. #24
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I only bother with those (deception, etc.) when soloing. I find dual EMGs are pretty freaking awesome.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

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