How do Paladins’ Free Drow Slaves?
I have tried to find the skill checks for removing the collars from the Drow… below is the only thing I could find, I found it for a quest on ddowiki. .. My lvl 22 Paladin has killed many of slave because he fails all the skill checks, the best option that he has is Concentration which his skill is 33 which means he has to roll a true 20 to remove the collar according to the numbers below..
Could someone sit me strait… Point me to the correct skill checks numbers, and/or tell me how you removed the collars from the slaves using a Paladin
Thanks All…
Unlocking collars is a straight strength check, or skill + d20.
o Concentration: casual 46 succeeded, normal 53 succeeded, hard 58-60
o Strength: normal 50 succeeded, elite : 55 failed 56 succeeded
o Open Lock: normal 52 failed 67 passed
o UMD: normal 40-42, hard 46-47
o Repair: hard 65 failed
o Disable Device: hard: 58