Calling it a "ninja auction" since it won't last for very long.

I recently acquired a 1550tp code and can't decide whether I should redeem it for myself or trade it away, so I'll run a very-limited-time auction.

I'll be taking offers for the code until 18:00 EDT, which is 22:00 GMT (I like 24 hour clocks).

If I fail to be "wowed" by an offer at that time, I'll keep the code for myself. If there's a "Dayum! Dey want dat code!" offer, I'll inform the winner via forum PM to arrange to meet in-game within an hour. Fail to show by 19:00edt/23:00gmt and I keep the code.

To get you started, things I'm looking for include:
Ivy Wraps (Level 24)
Flawless RED Dragon Scales
Flawless GREEN Dragon Scales
+3 Tomes