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  1. #41
    Community Member kauetomaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brige View Post
    The real issue with TRing, is that lower levels are not fun or challenging. After you have a couple TR lives under your belt your new 1st level TR with Twinked out gear is sitting with more HPs and SPs (if this life has SP) than most 4th or 5th level toons starting out. You can power through all elite Korthos quests solo in about an hour.

    I propose that multiple life TRs are allowed to start at a level equal to one half their completed past lives rounded down. For example, if you have 4 past lives your next life would start at 2nd level. If you have 9 past lives, your next life would start at 4th level. The starting level could be maxed at 7 to match the current Vet starting level for new characters.

    this is actually an interesting proposal, but tbh low lvl is already too easy and you can go from lvl1 complaing that jeets stole ur gear to lvl6/7 in about 2 hours or even less dependin on if u soloing/group, imho what could be addressed is the insanely low xp output of high lvl quests so we dont have to numb ourselves runnin the same quest 10 times each in order to cap at vale instead of running the extreme low xp/higher diff stuff like amrath, house c etc....

  2. #42
    Community Member wildbynature's Avatar
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    The proposed nerf to TR xp is a bad idea.

    1. There's a reason why first lifers can open normal, second lifers can open hard, and third lifers can open elite. A player who is new to the game should not be worried about bravery bonuses. Period. It's difficult to run a quest for the first time, and trying to figure out what all of those shiny buttons do is a big enough job. You have to figure some stuff out for yourself before a more experienced player can pull you aside, give you some gear, and let you know that con is never a dump stat. It's a lot easier to figure everything out on normal than it is on elite.

    2. It's not that hard to get 3rd life and up xp. People complain about the 18-20 grind, but it's really not that bad. I typically run vale on elite, farm running with the devils, farm lords of dust, and then help out whoever needs help. If that doesn't more than cap you, then start farming tokens for TR. as far as xp per minute goes, the challenges are not as terrible as everyone claims they are.

    3. If you think TRs should 't have to farm at all, in 7 lives, I've never run all of IQ 1 and 2, vale, amarath, and reavers in one life. If you think Amarath xp/minute stinks, then farm running with the devils again. If you want max favor, go for max favor.

    4. TRing isnt for everyone, but I'd rather run the same 50 quests over and over again for xp than run the same 1 over and over for a seal or a scroll. Having an epic antique great axe is great, but I enjoy TRing more than hanging out at cap. The extra xp makes it easier to farm out things like lvl 7 vet status as you level and as I've said it's really not that big of a deal.

    5. It's a game. People who enjoy TRing will run through 4.37m xp because they enjoy leveling and enjoy the Benicia of past lives. If you nerfed the xp, you'd still have the same people TRing and the same people complaining about all the xp you need.

    6. Stones of xp in the ddo store are a horrible idea, by the way. I'd rather grind the million or so xp it takes to get from 8 to 16 than put up with first life noob stoners with 100 hp and no idea how the game works in my party in giant hold or the vale. Not to be a complete jerk about it, but I'd rather not run inferno again with 5 people who can't follow or take direction. It's a little different than running VoN3 with someone with the same skill level. (a little off topic but I know so many Trs who quit or took a break because of the stone of xp)

    Personally, I'd rather the devs fix a lot of the known issues than focus on lowering the xp my TR needs to cap.

  3. #43
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildbynature View Post
    as far as xp per minute goes, the challenges are not as terrible as everyone claims they are.
    How recently have you ran them?

    Heroic buying time/time is money now give ~1500-2000xp in 5min for perfect runs.

  4. #44
    Community Member zarthak's Avatar
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    the xp changes the OP has proposed is to low how about

    1rst life=1.9m
    2nd life=2.9m
    3rd life=4.0m
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    **** you forum folk...**** you all!!

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