My proposal is for Turbine to change the XP requirements for TR's to be lower then that of first lifers and raise the XP requirement for ones first life.
At the moment the XP required per life is:
1st life: 1,900,00
2nd life: 3,139,250
3rd life: 4,378,500
My proposal is to change that to:
1st life: 2,600,000
2nd life: 2,340,000 10% less then 1st life
3rd and future lives: 2,106,000 10% less then 2nd life
Why change the first life:
At the moment with bravery bonuses, XP tomes, and increased amounts of content in place and coming to the higher level range it is not an outrage to suggest that someone on their first life can earn more XP, and this will encourage players to see TRing as less of a grind.
Why change TR'ing XP.
The whole reasoning behind TR'ing is to get past life benefits, previously TR benefits were pretty great but with the MOTU expansion it is becoming less and less uber and to allot of players it is not worth the grind.
As it stands the total XP required for 3 lives is 9,417,750xp. So one would need to grind out 9.5 million XP to get the below passive feats. I wont list them all due to time constraints in writing this post.
Barbarian: 10hp per life so 9.5 million XP for....30 hit points
Bard: +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions and one song 9.5 million xp for +6 to saves and 3 songs
Wizard: +2 spell pen for each life so 9.5 million xp for +6 spell pen
Paladin: 5% healing amp per life so 9.5 million xp for 15%
While the caster past lives are pretty good and the healing amp is handy I still fail too see why any of the past life benefits should cost so much XP.
As it stands, people who really want them will grind them out. People who would like them but loathe grinding will avoid it and still be ok with the new epic destinies and the new gear available.
I think an obvious benefit of being reincarnated would be that you get through things more quickly as you have done it before.
Would changing the XP requirement to get say 3 wizard past lives from 9.5 million XP to 7 million XP still not be alot of effort from a player?
Now I understand that people who have done the grind might not be happy with my suggestion and that is understandable, but I think with the more epic content coming up TRing will be less popular.
TRing is a game mechanic that needs some work, it should be fun and encourage more experienced players to play more of the game and meet more people.
Benefits to players:
1) Less grind
2) Encourage players to avoid the XP per minute mentality and make the game more fun
3) Who doesn't want completionist and "WIN" ddo? it will still be a grind but might just be more bearable.
4) As TR's will not be so concerned with time and XP penalties they might be more involved in grouping and assisting newer players
5) Players will be able to try new races, classes on one character
Benefits to Turbine
1) Sales of True Hearts of Wood
2) Less whining about XP
3) Sales of XP tomes
4) Sales of new classes/races as they come out as people will TR into them if they know it wont be a grind
5) The continued running of older content from other packs, as TR's will still want/need the best gear for mid-higher levels
I am not proposing an easy button, 2 million XP per life does require a fair bit of work and time for most players.