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  1. #1
    Community Member zebidos's Avatar
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    Default Proposal for TR changes

    My proposal is for Turbine to change the XP requirements for TR's to be lower then that of first lifers and raise the XP requirement for ones first life.

    At the moment the XP required per life is:

    1st life: 1,900,00
    2nd life: 3,139,250
    3rd life: 4,378,500

    My proposal is to change that to:

    1st life: 2,600,000
    2nd life: 2,340,000 10% less then 1st life
    3rd and future lives: 2,106,000 10% less then 2nd life

    Why change the first life:

    At the moment with bravery bonuses, XP tomes, and increased amounts of content in place and coming to the higher level range it is not an outrage to suggest that someone on their first life can earn more XP, and this will encourage players to see TRing as less of a grind.

    Why change TR'ing XP.

    The whole reasoning behind TR'ing is to get past life benefits, previously TR benefits were pretty great but with the MOTU expansion it is becoming less and less uber and to allot of players it is not worth the grind.

    As it stands the total XP required for 3 lives is 9,417,750xp. So one would need to grind out 9.5 million XP to get the below passive feats. I wont list them all due to time constraints in writing this post.

    Barbarian: 10hp per life so 9.5 million XP for....30 hit points
    Bard: +2 to saves vs. enchantments and illusions and one song 9.5 million xp for +6 to saves and 3 songs
    Wizard: +2 spell pen for each life so 9.5 million xp for +6 spell pen
    Paladin: 5% healing amp per life so 9.5 million xp for 15%

    While the caster past lives are pretty good and the healing amp is handy I still fail too see why any of the past life benefits should cost so much XP.

    As it stands, people who really want them will grind them out. People who would like them but loathe grinding will avoid it and still be ok with the new epic destinies and the new gear available.

    I think an obvious benefit of being reincarnated would be that you get through things more quickly as you have done it before.

    Would changing the XP requirement to get say 3 wizard past lives from 9.5 million XP to 7 million XP still not be alot of effort from a player?

    Now I understand that people who have done the grind might not be happy with my suggestion and that is understandable, but I think with the more epic content coming up TRing will be less popular.

    TRing is a game mechanic that needs some work, it should be fun and encourage more experienced players to play more of the game and meet more people.

    Benefits to players:

    1) Less grind
    2) Encourage players to avoid the XP per minute mentality and make the game more fun
    3) Who doesn't want completionist and "WIN" ddo? it will still be a grind but might just be more bearable.
    4) As TR's will not be so concerned with time and XP penalties they might be more involved in grouping and assisting newer players
    5) Players will be able to try new races, classes on one character

    Benefits to Turbine

    1) Sales of True Hearts of Wood
    2) Less whining about XP
    3) Sales of XP tomes
    4) Sales of new classes/races as they come out as people will TR into them if they know it wont be a grind
    5) The continued running of older content from other packs, as TR's will still want/need the best gear for mid-higher levels

    I am not proposing an easy button, 2 million XP per life does require a fair bit of work and time for most players.
    Last edited by zebidos; 09-18-2012 at 02:53 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    /notsigned, terrible suggestion.

  3. #3
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    No sorry TR is a choice.

    As far as XP it could be lowered some for the second and third life.

    I do think cutting 20%-25% off the current XP totals would be a good idea.

    But no way should first life be raised or following lives be lower the first.

    Also I think things earned from Favor such as bank slots and inventory slots should remain.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery
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    I tend to agree that TR at the moment is just annoying and has less relative value than before, so I would like to see some changes to the mechanic. Whether it's lowering xp required, changing how xp is awarded to promote grouping up or whatever - I don't know, but I would not mind some kind of change.

    This particular suggestion I don't think is great, though. It penalizes new players (who will take longer to level, who might not have the tomes and stuff yet), and we need more new players, not less. Personally, if I had to pay for tomes on a new character just to level up at a decent pace in game I'm not even sure I want to play for an extended period yet... I'm not so sure I'd bother sticking around.
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  5. #5
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
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    Moar easy button?

    /not signed

  6. #6
    Community Member Mathermune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    My proposal is to change that to:

    1st life: 2,600,000
    2nd life: 2,340,000 10% less then 1st life
    3rd and future lives: 2,106,000 10% less then 2nd life
    I'm with the horde on this one. Penalizing 1st life players is not the way to fix TR.

    The XP requirements can stay the same, but let a past life in Barbarian for instance let you take a free twist into the Barbarian epic destiny perhaps?

    I agree that past lives pale in comparison to ED's and that balance should be addressed, not the TR XP. I wouldn't complain if they lowered the XP burden a little but I won't call for it.
    Last edited by Mathermune; 09-18-2012 at 10:53 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member DeafeningWhisper's Avatar
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    Reduce exp for Trs? Sure. Increase exp for 1st lifers? No thanks.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Coyopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    As it stands, people who really want them will grind them out. People who would like them but loathe grinding will avoid it and still be ok with the new epic destinies and the new gear available.
    You've just undermined your entire argument. If people who really want them will grind them and people who don't want to grind won't, then there is no point in changing it at all. No one needs past lives to have a fun, effective character and, certainly, no one needs completionist, either. Seems like people keep forgetting that completionist is more about bragging rights than actual power, but whether it's about bragging rights or power, it should be hard work to get it.

    I've got a 25 monk, 25 rogue, 23 druid, and 22 ranger (among several others that are 20 or higher). Only the ranger has a past life (and only one at that), and I find the monk, rogue, and druid all more fun than the ranger.

  9. #9
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    *snip* As it stands, people who really want them will grind them out. People who would like them but loathe grinding will avoid it and still be ok with the new epic destinies and the new gear available.
    That's the way it's supposed to be, when I started my completionist journey, there were NO bonuses (other than the 25/25/50 first time difficulty bonus). It took me 3 months to finish my third life, guildies thought I was crazy to even consider it. Now with the bonuses, people consider completion as meh, and not a big accomplishment.

    I think completion deserves a bump. It was added to the game as a joke. Now with the bonuses, it's an achievable goal.

    /not signed
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  10. #10
    Ultimate Completionist
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    No thank you.

    No changes to xp tables.

    Please Devs someday review challenge xp and adjust accordingly, also review certain high level quest areas such as Amarath and adjust accordingly.

  11. #11
    Community Member Moonsickle's Avatar
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    keep 2nd life at current 3,139,250 xp to try and keep it simple for coding.

    but 3rd life & on the same xp as 2nd life

    2nd life can be a big step up for a 28pt build, but gains on 3rd life & on aren't so dramatic

    3rd life you get 2 ability points & Past Life but that's less than the 6 points for 28pt build and only 2 points for a 32pt for the 2nd life... but cost more xp than 2nd life by almost another 1.3M xp...
    2nd & 3rd lives for 32pt build are exactly same in regards to ability points and getting a PL feat but 3rd life cost way more?

    4th life & on is basically a free passive Past Life feat and a chance at choosing a different chosen Past Life feat [if you did a TR into a different class than before]... which most builds probably have a hard time fitting it in one of these, let alone multiple.

    so basically 4th life & on is just the free passive PL [a PL feat you might get to chose and possibly another step towards Completionist]... not sure that passive PL is worth almost 2.5M xp each time.

    At 3.1M xp per extra life would cut some of the grind off, yet still not give you the PL feats without working for them... at the same time it would probably generate plenty of Druid Heart sales... and might even ease up some tensions from the current LFMs in regards to groups needing to maximize every xp they can.

  12. #12
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    I agree to reducing XP needed for 2nd and further lives as I personally know several people who said they won't TR because of the extra XP needed. I personally want to TR but can't talk any of them into it, and I play with them all the time, so it's stopping me from TRing atm. If the XP needed was the same as first life, I know I could convince them to do it.

    I would not like to see the 1st life XP increased for the reasons already stated. New players need to learn the quests and the game, don't penalize them.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Please Devs someday review challenge xp and adjust accordingly, also review certain high level quest areas such as Amarath and adjust accordingly.
    This would be sufficent. I don't know why they rushed to lower the xp awards on first time completing star objectives.

    But instead of the OP, what should really be fixed is quest repetition counters - they should either:
    • set all counters to zero after level 20
    • have separate counters for Heroic and Epic
    • reset counters at level 20, and allow them to start over.

    Oh, and let me ninja something in: We Need Counters To Be Visible On Adventure Panel!

    Carry on.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Vestriel's Avatar
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    Total xp required is not the problem. The problem is that so much of the xp you need is in the later levels, and high level quests generally do not give appropriate xp.

    Boost base xp in amrath, cannith, etc.

    Flatten the extra xp requirement for TR's, so they don't spend 1 day going from 1-16 and 3 weeks at lvl 18.

  15. #15
    Hero karpedieme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zebidos View Post
    My proposal is for Turbine to change the XP requirements for TR's to be lower then that of first lifers and raise the XP requirement for ones first life.

    At the moment the XP required per life is:

    1st life: 1,900,00
    2nd life: 3,139,250
    3rd life: 4,378,500

    My proposal is to change that to:

    1st life: 2,600,000
    2nd life: 2,340,000 10% less then 1st life
    3rd and future lives: 2,106,000 10% less then 2nd life

    I am not proposing an easy button, 2 million XP per life does require a fair bit of work and time for most players


    You are ironically proposing an easy button to TR as it is justified by turbine make more $$$$

    The whole point of the X-Pac in some respects was to allow newer players to gear up in the epic environment in a much easier fashion instead of the classic eberron grind.

    Raising 28-32 pt build XP to cap is handicapping new players in many ways

    1st life no gear / new players do not go after the Bravery Bonuses and should not. They are out to learn the game and its mechanics.


    My proposal is to change that to:

    1st life: 2,600,000
    2nd life: 2,340,000 10% less then 1st life
    3rd and future lives: 2,106,000 10% less then 2nd life

    VS a more logical reasoning

    More like

    1st life: 1.900.000
    2nd life: 3.000.000
    3rd + 4.000.000.
    A simple round out of the 34 and 36 pt'ers is fine by me but will never happen most likely as turbine will not re-code the way levels are set-up.

    The way i see it Stones Of XP will be released in the store within a year or so for people to TR expeditiously anyways.... Its a game within a game within a corporation so there is always $$$$ involved
    Last edited by karpedieme; 09-18-2012 at 12:39 PM.
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  16. #16
    Community Member gphysalis's Avatar
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    First lifers should not have their xp increased. People should not be running elite if they are new to the game.
    increasing their xp just because veterans can level first life characters easily is a terrible solution.

  17. #17
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Lol no.

  18. #18
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Agree with previous commenter that counters should be available on the Adventure Panel.

    But no to this xp idea. Will repeat ad nauseum that I think the totals should be kept the same but the curve made flat, so that each TR level is a flat uniform percentage across the board and not an escalating percentage as it is today. This would help to soak up the overabundance of xp from 1-10 and loosen the grip of the xp dearth from 16-20.
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  19. #19
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    With all the new content being added to the game, there is more xp available than ever before so it's hard to justify a reduction in the amount of xp required to hit 20.

    I agree that repeat penalties should be removed for Epic content, since theseare effectively new quests being run at level. This would also help with the grind to L25 and epic destinies.

    If the aim is to encourage first lifers to reach cap and TR, then a reduction in the xp requirement makes sense, but this shouldn't be too drastic since it should be a challenge to reach that level
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  20. #20
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    We do need a change to tr. We need more of a reason to do it than what most of the measly past life feats offer. I think there needs to be either an xp change or make the past life passive feats a little better.

    I tr just because its a timesink game and i want the best for my characters. Im at life 5/9 on my main and im already feeling the burnout. I still have 3 other characters i want to do the same to. Ill be playing the expansion in about 2 years

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