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  1. #21
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan_Milic View Post
    1 mile has 1760 yards,1 yard has 36 inches,I have no idea why Americans are still using this dated system.
    And for most sp I saw fvs with 4.6k sp 2 months ago.
    We inherited it from the Brits.

    We still use it because the space after punctuation marks make things easier to read (jk!)
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  2. #22
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    i dont have a screen shot, never think to take them, but i hit 11600 damage with dragonbreath. Im sure someone has done more than that anyways..
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
    This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    This is the dumbest thread ever, because it is full of unsubstantiated, circumstance specific "Records". Also it fails to specify patch date, what version release and various things that were nerfed or buffed or hotfixed since then.

    Highest Str at 103? not even close to a record. Could easily get +6 more from destinies, +5 more from primal scream, +2 more from a fatesinger, numerous other bonuses that I haven't even begun to mention.

    Highest DPS aygo at 800 dps over 15 seconds? Have you ever heard of Manyshot? Most people dont measure dps from Manyshot.
    A monk running into a room of 20 mobs with EiN killing them all at once did about 20* 10K = 200K dmg in 1 second. Thats 200,000 DPS.
    You fail at specifying single target DPS. Does the target have 100% fort, or 0% fort. A portal has 100% fort. Are they using cheese weapons like disruption/smiting or slayer arrows? Sneak attack? Or is it raw dps. Do they have bard buffs, ship buffs, heroes companion, store pot, House D pot?

    Most epics soloed? This is obviously a pre U15 "record". I can solo every "epic" in the game on epic normal, probably also every epic in the game on epic hard.
    So are we talking about EE?

    In U10 people were critting the purple crystals in mired in kobolds for 27K. This is without sorc/monk curses or destinies. So your 4K "record" for spell damage is not even close.

    Hi, Welcome to DDO, you are obviously new

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by crazydamage View Post
    This is the dumbest thread ever, because it is full of unsubstantiated, circumstance specific "Records". Also it fails to specify patch date, what version release and various things that were nerfed or buffed or hotfixed since then.

    Highest Str at 103? not even close to a record. Could easily get +6 more from destinies, +5 more from primal scream, +2 more from a fatesinger, numerous other bonuses that I haven't even begun to mention.

    Highest DPS aygo at 800 dps over 15 seconds? Have you ever heard of Manyshot? Most people dont measure dps from Manyshot.
    A monk running into a room of 20 mobs with EiN killing them all at once did about 20* 10K = 200K dmg in 1 second. Thats 200,000 DPS.
    You fail at specifying single target DPS. Does the target have 100% fort, or 0% fort. A portal has 100% fort. Are they using cheese weapons like disruption/smiting or slayer arrows? Sneak attack? Or is it raw dps. Do they have bard buffs, ship buffs, heroes companion, store pot, House D pot?

    Most epics soloed? This is obviously a pre U15 "record". I can solo every "epic" in the game on epic normal, probably also every epic in the game on epic hard.
    So are we talking about EE?

    In U10 people were critting the purple crystals in mired in kobolds for 27K. This is without sorc/monk curses or destinies. So your 4K "record" for spell damage is not even close.

    Hi, Welcome to DDO, you are obviously new
    First of all I suggest you read the title, im in the process of gathering info and not in the process of patching up an official thread on it.

    If you start claiming stuff, proof it. If you want to argue about the strength record I suggest you check out shades original thread. because this is not the place.

    The magic damage, would love to find a picture with over 10k damage because I know they are out there, I have yet to find one.

    As for the time frame of these records I don't think I can find out the patch number of all the screenshots because a lot of data comes from player-made topics. The aim is to keep it recent and to keep it all from the year 2012.
    Last edited by AidanRyuko; 09-17-2012 at 07:12 PM.

  5. #25
    Community Member
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    You know nothing about this game, you are obviously new.
    You don't know how to read, because you failed at comprehending my previous post.


    what spell, what patch, what update, what hotfix, what level character, 20 or 25. What was the target. Was the damage being amplified by sorc prestige / monk curses. Does the target have vulnerability to the type of spell.

    Similarly, all your other records, Str, HP, number of solod "epics" are all useless.

    On top of this you clearly haven't been around very long, have no idea what has happened in the past, have very little understanding of the mechanics of the game.

    Without understanding, you are archiving meaningless screenshots and doing a disservice by leading other uninformed people to believe that these are true "records"

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by crazydamage View Post
    You know nothing about this game, you are obviously new.
    You don't know how to read, because you failed at comprehending my previous post.


    what spell, what patch, what update, what hotfix, what level character, 20 or 25. What was the target. Was the damage being amplified by sorc prestige / monk curses. Does the target have vulnerability to the type of spell.

    Similarly, all your other records, Str, HP, number of solod "epics" are all useless.

    On top of this you clearly haven't been around very long, have no idea what has happened in the past, have very little understanding of the mechanics of the game.

    Without understanding, you are archiving meaningless screenshots and doing a disservice by leading other uninformed people to believe that these are true "records"
    though I did join before you it's true I don't know everything about the game history, hence I'm looking forward to feedback from players, to make my info as correct as possible before posting a list. thanks for sharing the concern that my records are incomplete the way they are now, I'll keep it in mind.

    One more thing though, I think your way of wording things are pretty inappropriate, people keep telling me thats normal on a forum like this, but future posts written in the same fashion will be ignored.


  7. #27
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    crazydamage - you are way offside. Take a chill pill - records - by definition are recorded......Aidan is trying to bring all the information to one spot to record the records of 2012. Simple no?

    It doesn't matter what the circumstances are ....if someone hits with a spell for 10,102 and screenshotted it (and it appears legit ie. not photoshopped) then it can be put up and be 'on the record' as the record. If someone tops it then....someone new has the record.

    How it happened doesn't matter. Unless you are trying to refine the 'records' ie. add a highest ranged DPS....but in the end the highest DPS once proven will be what it is. Take down a portal in less than 15 seconds....then you have the record.

    In the end it doesn't matter who has the records so I don't know why you are getting so uppity.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  8. #28
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazydamage View Post
    You know nothing about this game, you are obviously new.
    You don't know how to read, because you failed at comprehending my previous post.


    what spell, what patch, what update, what hotfix, what level character, 20 or 25. What was the target. Was the damage being amplified by sorc prestige / monk curses. Does the target have vulnerability to the type of spell.

    Similarly, all your other records, Str, HP, number of solod "epics" are all useless.

    On top of this you clearly haven't been around very long, have no idea what has happened in the past, have very little understanding of the mechanics of the game.

    Without understanding, you are archiving meaningless screenshots and doing a disservice by leading other uninformed people to believe that these are true "records"
    Dude... it's just a game. Chill down...
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  9. #29


    haha glad I'm not the only one who thought those posts were in-appropiate.

    dex, con, cha and highest hit on melee, ranged, magic because I'm pretty sure they I don't have any real numbers yet. I might post a seperate thread on some of these in the class specific forums because I can understand not everybody reads general forums.

    I'm adding a few game records as well. on the real book I will be having screenshots of a lot of these things by the way.

    Biggest weapon - greatclub of the scrag, Insanity
    Most xp-valuable wilderness map - Vale of twilight, worth 286,128XP
    Highest known monster level - Queen Lailat at ?44
    Worst item - a -1 Weak quarterstaff, it has a negative enchantment level and -1 to strength.

  10. #30
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    i did not solo vod elite at level, i did normal.
    edit: actually i guess vod elite is level 20 so i did do it at level, if that's what you meant. but i was also capped.
    Last edited by samdsherman; 09-18-2012 at 04:27 AM.
    a tribe called zerg, cannith: healings, oozesniffer, krushinator, oxidize, kwanzaabot, eltonjohnbot
    Solo: tod normal, vod elite, adq2 epic, vod normal at level 18. all with no pots. my build

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by samdsherman View Post
    i did not solo vod elite at level, i did normal.
    edit: actually i guess vod elite is level 20 so i did do it at level, if that's what you meant. but i was also capped. <-- this is the thread im talking about, it says in the window it's your first time completing dis quest on elite difficulty and you are the only person there and with kills. that you are capped doesn't matter, it's doing it at quest level or below that makes these things an accomplishment. VOD elite is a raid that can be pretty tough with (well maybe even tougher BECAUSE) a complete team so doing it solo is quite the feat.

  12. #32
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    Well now we know who put the asteriks in the baseball reacord book.

  13. #33
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazydamage View Post
    You know nothing about this game, you are obviously new.
    You don't know how to read, because you failed at comprehending my previous post.


    what spell, what patch, what update, what hotfix, what level character, 20 or 25. What was the target. Was the damage being amplified by sorc prestige / monk curses. Does the target have vulnerability to the type of spell.

    Similarly, all your other records, Str, HP, number of solod "epics" are all useless.

    On top of this you clearly haven't been around very long, have no idea what has happened in the past, have very little understanding of the mechanics of the game.

    Without understanding, you are archiving meaningless screenshots and doing a disservice by leading other uninformed people to believe that these are true "records"
    ummm. it's a game. smile and relax

  14. #34
    Community Member wayreth602's Avatar
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    Since you added themed raids, you can add all Bard Shroud and VOD on Cannith (S.U.B.P.A.R.)

    Screenshots are here

    Note the Ranger in the screenshot of the Shroud had 8 Bard levels.

    Edit: I was in the all Bard VOD raid if you need any more info, and my wife that watched it over my should can also confirm it though she couldn't join it since she didn't have a bard.
    Last edited by wayreth602; 09-18-2012 at 08:53 AM.

  15. #35
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AidanRyuko View Post
    though I did join before you it's true I don't know everything about the game history, hence I'm looking forward to feedback from players, to make my info as correct as possible before posting a list. thanks for sharing the concern that my records are incomplete the way they are now, I'll keep it in mind.

    One more thing though, I think your way of wording things are pretty inappropriate, people keep telling me thats normal on a forum like this, but future posts written in the same fashion will be ignored.

    Sound course of action.

    +1 to you good sir for for actually doing something for the community in a positive light unlike some posters that just want to complain.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  16. #36
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AidanRyuko View Post
    haha glad I'm not the only one who thought those posts were in-appropiate.

    dex, con, cha and highest hit on melee, ranged, magic because I'm pretty sure they I don't have any real numbers yet. I might post a seperate thread on some of these in the class specific forums because I can understand not everybody reads general forums.

    I'm adding a few game records as well. on the real book I will be having screenshots of a lot of these things by the way.

    Biggest weapon - greatclub of the scrag, Insanity
    Most xp-valuable wilderness map - Vale of twilight, worth 286,128XP
    Highest known monster level - Queen Lailat at ?44
    Worst item - a -1 Weak quarterstaff, it has a negative enchantment level and -1 to strength.
    EE MOBS in Druids Song chain hit mid to upper 50s.

    It's early, lack of coffee, but 58 comes to mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  17. #37
    Community Member wayreth602's Avatar
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    The fastest TR (4.3 million XP) I have seen reported is 18 hours 42 minutes with a screenshot is here

  18. #38
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    We still use it because the space after punctuation marks make things easier to read ...
    I snorted my tea!
    H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
    <°))))>< S A R L O N A ><((((°>

  19. #39


    thanks for all the suggestions

    - new fastest time of 4.3mil xp gained
    - Highest confirmed cha
    - Bard raids VOD and shroud

    Will also check out the monsters on epic elite

  20. #40
    Community Member Artecon's Avatar
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    Fine Antique Leg Wear on Argonnessen (formally Britches and Hose) all PM runs:

    ALL of these are pre U14 (actually could be before U13)

    3 man Epic Devil Assault
    Elite ToD
    Elite Shroud

    Elite VoD

    also (can't find DDO links)

    Epic DQ

    Couldn't find anything on Elite Hound but we've done that too
    Last edited by Artecon; 09-18-2012 at 11:50 AM.
    Artebrisk - Completionist Currently Pure Pally with a MAUL! RAWWWR!!! :: Artecon - Completionist Exalted Angel Druid :: Arteheal - Heal bot :: Artemech - Completionist Something (usually flavor of the month build) :: Artepro - Sorcerer :: Artesheen - Shiradi Sorc :: Artesong - Bard :: Artevista - Dwarven Warhammer Two Weapon Fighter

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