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  1. #1
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Default Request for an XP experiment

    Just a little request for the Devs to try something small that might be interesting.

    Next update, pick 4 or 5 quests that are seldom run and are at a wide spread of levels.

    Possible examples:
    3 - The Sacred Helm
    6 - The Troglodytes' Get
    11 - Raiding the Vulkoorim
    16 - Servants of the Overlord
    21 - The Lost Thread.

    Then, just for a period of 2-3 weeks, dramatically increase the XP on each of them so that they are on par with the top XP quests or even a fraction above, and publicise this.

    Compare the player reaction to this to a 'standard' 10% or 20% XP event. I think it will go down well.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    What's the reason behind your suggestion?
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  3. #3
    Community Member Relenthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverwren View Post

    What's the reason behind your suggestion?
    Probably to get people to play quests which are never run; except for a few people who like to get maximum favor, or just for fun once in a blue moon.
    Exelin etc, exception Estelix of Elite Raiders, Khyber
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    I often word things in ways that cause the most speculation and panic, because I'm capricious and mean.

  4. #4
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    /not signed.

    This seems so pointless and complete waste of time.
    Last edited by muny21; 09-17-2012 at 09:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member grgurius's Avatar
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    Good idea.

    Reason would be for devs to see what would be reasonable xp for those quests and then adjust it accordingly?

  6. #6
    Community Member grayham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muny21 View Post
    /not signed.

    This seems so pointless and complete waste of time.
    Oh. Well I think it's a good idea Sirgog. The idea (point) is perhaps to showcase rarely ran quests to players who may not have seen them and improve the overall player experience. Time? Not that it's ever our jobs to determine how dev's should spend their time, but my guess is this a quick tweaking job that may not even need downtime to accomplish.

  7. #7
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    ... or figure out which quests are seldom run since offer not enought xp for the effort needed and increase the xp there permamently.

    If devs increase xp from Sacred Helm for 2 weeks that will only change that whoever has a TR at this level range would get some happy farm, but after the event the quest will come back to forgoten/favor state.

    If the xp from the quests will be increased to 1800xp (this is long quest) popularity will increase forever.

  8. #8
    Community Member Schmoe's Avatar
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    I think the idea is this:

    A +X% experience bonus means that even though players are getting more XP, they still run the same quests over and over. Using sirgog's suggestion would still give players a chance for more XP, but only if they run these few quests that they don't normally run.

    On the one hand, it introduces variety into the standard TR treadmill. That's a good thing. On the other hand, it does nothing for players who don't like to repeat over and over the handful of quests that give the greatest return on investment. That's not such a good thing. People like myself who just run a variety of quests because they like the variety of quests in the game would get much less out of the suggestion than they would from the standard bonus XP event.
    "And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
    From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
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    And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay

  9. #9
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    I think this would be a wonderful experiment. It would be simple and cheap to execute. I think analysis of the data would be very valuable to Turbine.

    Assuming the results met my expectations, I would expect to see future XP bonuses to also be targeted and coupled with DDO store promotions. For example, +20% XP for prove your worth this weekend and 20% off 3BC.

    In addition, I think it could do wonders to increase the overall level of fun in the game. Rediscovering (or initially discovering for some) old content can be almost as exciting as playing the newest adventure pack. Also, imagine the plethora of LFMs that would be up for 3BC weekend!

    Superb suggestion SG, another +1 for you.

  10. #10
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    I agree. Pick quests every 3 levels or so and boost up the xp. Should be fun.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmoe View Post
    I think the idea is this:

    A +X% experience bonus means that even though players are getting more XP, they still run the same quests over and over. Using sirgog's suggestion would still give players a chance for more XP, but only if they run these few quests that they don't normally run.

    On the one hand, it introduces variety into the standard TR treadmill. That's a good thing. On the other hand, it does nothing for players who don't like to repeat over and over the handful of quests that give the greatest return on investment. That's not such a good thing. People like myself who just run a variety of quests because they like the variety of quests in the game would get much less out of the suggestion than they would from the standard bonus XP event.
    What if the event offered a bonus to 3BC, The Ruins of Threnal, The Restless Isles, The Devils of Shavarath or Secrets of the Artificers. That way a good portion of the population would have incentive to run those quests and between normal and elite, that covers a good level range.

  12. #12
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    GREAT IDEA! It should be forever, and rotating fairly randomly and UNANNOUNCED (except for the fact they do it) within a list of quests nobody does that are FUN but never run due to no XP/rewards. That way, people will look into each quest to see if it has the XP reward, so it's always on their minds, they'll run them consistently, giving new people a chance to see them, and not be the same boring Shadow Crypt/VoN 3 runs.

    Bravery Bonus fixed this to a large extent, but there are still those few quests that are 100% not worth it. They need to be boosted, and I think Sirgog's list is a good starting off point.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormraiser View Post
    What if the event offered a bonus to 3BC, The Ruins of Threnal, The Restless Isles, The Devils of Shavarath or Secrets of the Artificers. That way a good portion of the population would have incentive to run those quests and between normal and elite, that covers a good level range.
    If that was the list of quests, then the % increase would have to be pretty sweet for some of them to get run. But one of the nice things about this idea is that it would be an incentive to buy quests that otherwise might be in the dust bin for a lot of players. It would help turbine and help the players... not a bad deal.

  14. #14
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    Good idea, but I don't like the quest list.

    I would use the following:

    4: Proof is in the Poison
    7: Taming the Flames
    10: Hold for Reinforcements
    11: The Twilight Forge
    15: In The Flesh
    18: In The Demon's Den
    22: In The Belly of The Beast
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    18: In The Demon's Den
    That one is a f2p, so don't expect much of a boost to xp to it because of that.
    however, another thing against it is location. Given where the quest giver is located, how many people actually even know it is there? I know I constantly forget about it.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    That one is a f2p, so don't expect much of a boost to xp to it because of that.
    however, another thing against it is location. Given where the quest giver is located, how many people actually even know it is there? I know I constantly forget about it.
    That was my favorite quest in the game before the expansion. The level cap raise has made it a lot easier, but it is still a cool one to run while leveling. It could use the xp boost.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  17. #17
    Community Member Mikula's Avatar
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    I love the idea but I'm not sure how much work it would take to make happen. Obviously they have some sort of button they can press to give a universal XP buff but I doubt they already have a way to pick quests to gain the boost otherwise we would have already seen this. I suppose they could go in and increase the quest's base xp by hand but I beleive that would call for a patch.

    I know nothing about the working of the system so I don't know how time consuming it would be to create a way to pick quests to give an xp buff. Best case scenario this would be a simple addition to the code that would take one person at a week or two to get finished, and yeah I'm totally for that. But with what little I know about programming I can already see this ending up being a lot more complicated than it sounds, at that point it wouldn't think it worth the time investment.

  18. #18
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    To be able to compete with a global 10% xp event, or a +2 loot gen event, I think there needs to be a lot of quests chosen. You have to give an exp increase that is sizable to make the quest run, but not enough that it's all anyone farms 12 times at that level. Hence you need to spread it over a bunch of quests. Another idea would be to add an XP reward for finishing a whole pack/chain. For instance, if you finish all of the 3BC quests on at least normal, you get 10k XP, on hard 17.5K and on elite 30K (adjust numbers to see fit.) Finish every Amrath quest on normal get 30K, on hard 60, on elite 100K etc. This would be a one time reward during the bonus "week"

  19. #19
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmoe View Post
    I think the idea is this:

    A +X% experience bonus means that even though players are getting more XP, they still run the same quests over and over. Using sirgog's suggestion would still give players a chance for more XP, but only if they run these few quests that they don't normally run.

    On the one hand, it introduces variety into the standard TR treadmill. That's a good thing. On the other hand, it does nothing for players who don't like to repeat over and over the handful of quests that give the greatest return on investment. That's not such a good thing. People like myself who just run a variety of quests because they like the variety of quests in the game would get much less out of the suggestion than they would from the standard bonus XP event.
    Variety was the idea behind it, as the blanket XP events actually reduce the variety on the 'path of least resistance' XP grindmill. (Example: During a +20% XP event the 'least resistance' path goes Delera 2, Delera 4, VON3, Shadow Crypt, Fathom, Desert with almost nothing in between, outside an XP event you'd usually do a few more quests).

    On Live a 10th run of Lords of Dust is comparable XP/minute to an elite bravery Servants of the Overlord. (I know as I tend to solo the latter on every character life that can handle it). Actually running SOTO ten times would be an interesting change for one life, IMO. Boosting its XP to Monastery/Litany/ETK levels (IMO for SOTO this would mean a 'base XP' of around 9000/12000/15000 on n/h/e) would see people perhaps run it 8 times at the expense of some IQ/DD/Refuge repeats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    Good idea, but I don't like the quest list.

    I would use the following:

    4: Proof is in the Poison
    7: Taming the Flames
    10: Hold for Reinforcements
    11: The Twilight Forge
    15: In The Flesh
    18: In The Demon's Den
    22: In The Belly of The Beast
    I wasn't intending to make it a list of notoriously hard quests, just a bunch that are seldom run and very rarely ever repeated. For what it's worth, Twilight Forge (the preraid) is very farmable in the right group.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  20. #20
    Community Member Schmoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Variety was the idea behind it, as the blanket XP events actually reduce the variety on the 'path of least resistance' XP grindmill. (Example: During a +20% XP event the 'least resistance' path goes Delera 2, Delera 4, VON3, Shadow Crypt, Fathom, Desert with almost nothing in between, outside an XP event you'd usually do a few more quests).
    I think that's an excellent goal! The game has so much variety, it's a shame that some of it goes relatively unexplored. Maybe Turbine could just, you know, make quests like Servants of the Overlord give more worthwhile XP?

    /wishful thinking
    "And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
    From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
    And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
    And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay

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