Wanna open a door? Scratch at it.
Wanna disarm a trap? Scratch at the floor.
Wanna pick a lock? Scratch at it.
Wanna use a shrine on the airship? Scratch it.
On opening doors...
Make some race specific ones,make halflings struggle,half-orcs kick it down and have half-elves make it run away in terror at the sight of this race's sheer uglyness....wait.
Even better,class specific...rogues open it just a bit and peak before opening it,casters use the force to open em.
Even better,give people a choice of a different attack animations,personally I'm getting kinda bored of everyone swinging the same. We've all saved worlds a couple thousands times and the bad guys still don't notice we all attack the same way,go figure.
I could go on but you get the jist I'm sure.