Originally Posted by
So... your defense is, that because when you see a mob in the distance, before the tank has engaged, you open fire and then get attacked and the tank cannot get it off of you? Cool, I know where you place your dissenting remarks then...
Sorry, but intelligent players know, "If I am the least bit squishy, then maybe I shouldn't be the FIRST thing on my enemy's mind"... Intelligent casters take the enhancements to lower their threat, and even then only cast once the melees have engaged (unless it is an insta-kill spell, then they usually just fire and hope it doesn't save)...
Sounds to me, like you are complaining that because you cannot A: Engage the mobs first, and B: Cannot kill the mob before it reaches you...
Maybe you should make a melee DPS, and use a bow up to the point it gets on you, then beat it down merrily. Otherwise, do not decide to be the prime target of the enemy, then complain that you cannot kill it before it even has a chance to hurt you... THAT build is way OVER-POWERED... And if you cannot see why, then you either are naive, or willfully ignorant, or you DO see why, but because it doesn't support your wishes you choose to ignore it.
If there is EVER a build that can continuously kill, kill, kill, with no danger of dying (or even getting hurt) unless they make an extreme error... Then that build is entirely too broken and needs to be fixed ASAP. This is a TEAM game, learn to be part of a team. Sorry that you cannot find, what is on my server, a dime a dozen (CC Wizards/Sorcs) or decent tanks... but then, apparently, you have a server where no one works as a team because even the ranged guys think they should either be able to Insta-Kill (roughly, because the time it takes for mobs to get to you ranges from Instant (devils) to maybe 6 seconds?)...
You're trying to be either an insta-kill sniper or a Ranged Tank... neither of which has ever stuck around in an MMO for very long. Longest was in DAOC, when they had archers that could basically insta-kill people... it lasted about a month at most. Because any ranged person able to do that, is completely OP and ruins the fun of the game for everyone else.
Learn to wait for the tanks/melees to engage, then plunk away, contribute to the group, not BE the group... Even those 'over-powered' casters wait until the split second right after the melees engage to start flinging spells, unless they are set up spells (Fire Wall, BB, etc), Insta-Kills, or CC spells... And those 'over-powered' casters only have so many SP to fling spells... you (theoretically) have infinite arrows... You having insta-kills with infinite resources, would be broken.