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  1. #1
    Uber Completionist
    The Hatchery
    Shadow7375's Avatar
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    Jul 2010

    Default No LFM or not enough LFM's up ....

    I don't get it .. Lately I come across more and more players that complain about the above. Saying there are no LFM's up, servers are dead, etc. blah blah.

    All I can suggest is that those who complain about the above start to put up their own LFM's instead of crying all the time. I am sure this would help. Sometimes you have to make an effort to get things rolling.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Personally most of those who need a leader are unsure of their own ability to lead, and familiar with the amount of verbal abuse trying to lead when you dont know the content like the back of your hand can bring down upon you.

    Personally some others like cleric players who once upon a time where quick to start them knowing others would quickly flock, have grown sick of the flock seeing them as a lesser being to talk down to, and thus have gone anon. Leaving only those with no ability to lead or look after themselves to band together and complain about the lack of successfully run pugs.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Especially now with the "____ would prefer not to lead" option, this is a no brainer. Put up LFM, type "IP" and start the quest.

    Maybe add "BYOH" and done.

    Of course, this requires players be able to solo and byoh. But you get the idea.

  4. #4
    Uber Completionist
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    I do both, put my own lfm's up and solo here and there .. I never have a problem with the LFM panel. But a lot of others seem to have problems .. hence the post and my initial suggestions to them to put their own lfms up. If they can't solo or lead quests yet, then they better start now learning the quest. We had to do the same at some stage.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow7375 View Post
    I don't get it .. Lately I come across more and more players that complain about the above. Saying there are no LFM's up, servers are dead, etc. blah blah.
    I have a suspicion that when people say "There are no LFM's up" they really mean that "There are none up doing the exact dungeon I want to do at the exact hardness level I want to do and with the exact level range of characters in the party." My advice is to either be a little more flexible in what you are looking for or try to organize your own party.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

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