So I'm thinking about a tank build but I'm not sure how good it's damage mitigation and other qualities are in comparison to others.
I figure the best measure is an overall one.
As follows:
(1-incorporeality %)*(1-concealment)*(1-dodge %)*(1-AC miss chance)*(1-PRR)*(1-other % DR)=overall reduction.
Current idea manages about 31% overall damage with lots of room to improve. What overall reduction is needed for various difficulties? Currently I'm not planning on EE, just want to have some fun in EN/EH content and if there is proof of concept maybe apply it in an EE context with some tweaking.
HP? Not enough but I'll work on that.
Saves? Very high. 40-50 on all (or is 40 not high anymore?)
Threat? Is this even important anymore with the 1000% and 80% available in US?
Any input appreciated.