I noticed that in my Steam its advertising DDO now. I've been trying to get my existing DDO account associated with Steam for possible Trophies and other cool things Steam does, including organizing my games. The only way Ive been able to get it is the "Non-Steam Game" way and that simply puts it as a launch icon within Steam and nothing else.
Ive had other "Old" Games that I was able to associate using the "Product Code" I was able to locate on the actual Retail box.
I'm wondering where my "Product Code" is for either my Orginal DDO account or even the Underdark Expansion code I got a bit ago when I bought that?
Failing these, is there any other way to get it properly associated in Steam without downloading the "Fresh" copy or even making a new account?
No WAY Ill be doing a New account!
Thanks for any information!