I don't know if it's said anywhere, but here we go...
1. Legendary Tactics from Legendary Dreadnought doesn't work with Stunning Fist. I'm not sure if this is WAI or not, but I think Stunning fist is a tactical feat (why else GMoF gets +1 DC to their Stunning fist from auto-grants which gives +1 to "tactical combat feats?" )
2. Exalted Angel's Blood and Radiance doesn't work correctly. Only the first rank of it works. The rest 2 acts like it was the first rank, meaning they're a waste of points. It's a shame, really, when that combined you could use your Tier 5 abilities quickly :/
Please comment if these aren't WAI.
PS. Oh yeah, one question while I'm here: Does GMoF's Dance of Flowers work with ki-weapons like Longswords if you have Whirlwind Steel Strike, Shortsword if Ninja Spy and Longbow is you have Zen Archery feat?