Ok, I just wrote a long and extensive post, and the forum just ate it by logging me out. So I'll make this short.
I'm gonna TR my barbarian into a paladin in the not so distant future. I'm going human for the extra feat and healing amp and maybe human versatility. (don't own helf)
I'm not sure if I want monk or fighter splash.
The pros of monk is evasion mostly, but at the cost of PRR from armor (may get it back from defender of siberys, worth while leveling?)
The pros of fighter is free tower shield prof and +1 str.
I mainly want survivability and versatility, being able to solo and be useful in groups either as dps, tank or secondary healer, possibility all three at the same time.
It needs to be fun and useful from level 1 to 20, but it's not as important that it's useful AT 20, as I won't be staying at 20 for long.
Things of note: 3x fighter past life, 2x monk past life, x1 barb past life. Various GS stuff (sp con opp necklaces, hp lightning cloak, full immunity goggles, mineral 2 falchion, positive 3 maul), and other junk I've accumulated over the 2 years of playing this toon. Already have armors for monk build, not for fighter build though, not sure what to go for here.
What say ye my fellow forum dwellers, should I go monk or fighter?