Think onyx panther who can be summoned to be your level, level +1, or level +2.
Basically this idea is to have monster typed hirelings (MM rewards, ddostore, chain rewards, raid loot for different ones) which scale to your level.
The basics
- Item to summon a specific hireling with UI window to select if you want to summon the at level, +1 level, or +2 level version. Items can be put in hireling folders.
- Count as gold seal hirelings
- Each specific hireling consistently is built to perform a specific role or fit a particular theme regardless of the level it is summoned at
- Unlimited times that they can be summoned like onyx panther
- Sear - Fire Mephit Hireling
- Summoned from 'Brazier of Fire Elemental Summoning' item
- Counts as a sorc for dungeon scaling purposes
- Function very similar to a dominated mephit (no mephit spawns from it though) with an additional hireling hotbar and some extra powers used automatically in it's attack rotation
- Regens HP over time at a fairly high rate, but towards low end of HP total
- Regens SP over time at a slower rate, stops automatically casting spells at 20% mana total threshold
- Automatically uses fire based spells based upon it's level including burning hands, scorching ray, fireball, wall of fire, delayed blast fireball, incendary cloud, and meteor swarm Gains draconic incarnation abilities in epic level versions.
- Hotbar clickable options include (varies based upon level): Resist Energy (Cold), Fire Shield (Hot), various fire based damage spells, Fire Vulnerability clickie ala fire savant, fire savant clickies (as savant abilities for low SP cost/higher cooldown)...Some of these protective spells are replaced at higher levels for example by Sear wearing items replicating their effects (ie resistance 30 versus cold).
- King of a Long Forgotten Empire - Mummy Hireling
- counts as a monk for dungeon scaling purposes
- Strong melee attacker, uses handwraps which restore hp at higher levels
- Basic Melee based mummy for automatic attacks with stunning blow, unbalncing strike, stunning fist, and improved sunder randomly interspersed based upon level...has evasion and improved evasion at higher levels
- DC of despair aura scales based upon level as does special attack dcs including mummy curse
- Clickies include (varies based upon level): Dark monk curse finisher (no need to prep it always available, but on long cooldown), touch of death, quivering palm, improved trip, and diplomacy.
- Typical Undead (healed by negative energy, hurt by positive energy....) Traits
- LE Alignment, summoning with a good character gives a negative level while summoned
- No pot chugging like other hirelings.
- Hurastex Ghost Walker - Hobgoblin Hireling
- Counts as a Cleric for dungeon scaling purposes
- Hobgoblin shaman type for typical automatic attacks/spells
- Strong Healing, quickened healing magics at min level possible for this
- Aggresive like larafay, lots of offensive magic mixed with healing, but quickened heals take precedence over other automatics
- Not terribly strong defenses
- Clickies include typical clerical defensive magics, a raise spell, a mass cure type spell (quickened), and a single target healing spell (non quickened).
- Steel Eater - Rust Monster Hireling
- counts as a fighter for dungeon scaling purposes
- attacks like normal rust monsters, has large bonus damage versus warforged and other metal based monsters
- deals bonus acid damage with attacks based upon level
- uses attacks which debuff enemies fort/ac/damage such as sunder, improved sunder, destruction weapon effect....based upon level as automatics and/or clickies
- no self healing, but fairly good AC and PRR to compensate slightly
- pretty basic anti-construct fighter type hireling